Plugins Steven Brown BuddyPress Limit Friendship Giles Meacock [Resolved] Problem with logout option not working Arnaudd BP ajax registration Archaic Guru BP Ajax Registration – Registration form loading on every page Charles Rawlinson Registration Sends Password Reset Email? Janette [Resolved] BuddyPress Group Activities Notifier has inconsistant notifications 1 2 3 Vincenzo De Martino Who can help me with the notification of the Groups? HansRuedi Keller [Resolved] Bug in BuddyDev Username Availability Checker 1.1.1 Ada Third Party Premium Plugin Integration with BP Simple Frontend Post lavish Assign Member Type based on BuddyPress xProfile field value Elio Mediapress Brandon Tay BP Ajax Registration – Big empty space Christian Hendriks starrating Brandon Tay BP Ajax Registration – change colour theme Jobee Bendijo I'm not a programmer!!! Viewing 15 topics - 1,831 through 1,845 (of 1,952 total) ← 1 2 3 … 122 123 124 … 129 130 131 →You must be logged in to create new topics.