

[Resolved] Add Private Message button to Profile Pages

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
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    Ravi on #41673

    Hello Princy,

    I have checked the theme and There is no action available to add a button on the coverimage. You can override theme ‘cover-image-header.php’ through child theme and add the button where you want to add.


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    Princy Cromacio on #41677

    Hi Brajesh,
    Thank You for your Reply.
    I Could Even Wait for Nearly 15-20 Days, There aren’t Any Issues At All.
    I Just Need to Finish the Project At Early Feb. Your Support will be Most Valuable though.

    Hi Ravi,
    Thank You for Checking Them 🙂
    If There are No Options Available for Adding Button on Cover Image,
    Could I Add it At Profile Header Section? I Mean at The Place Where the Buttons from Your Moderation Plugin are Added? (Report, Suspend, etc.). As I Could Confirm they do Seem to Appear instead of Theme Issues, without Altering Core Theme Files or Overriding Them?

    Thank You,

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
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    Posts: 3050
    Ravi on #41679

    Hello Princy,

    Yes, you can add there. I have tried the following code please look at it and let me know if helps or not.

    add_action( 'bp_member_header_actions', function () {
    	echo do_shortcode( '[bp_better_messages_pm_button text="Message" target="_self" class="extra-class" fast_start="0"]' );
    } );


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    Princy Cromacio on #41680

    Hi Ravi, Thanks.
    That Code and Even the Shortcode Work’s Perfect, but the Button is Just Blank without The Text Added in Shortcode- ‘Message’. Also, Could I add Styling to this Button (using CSS)? Could I Get an Example?

    Here Are Screenshots Regarding This- https://prnt.sc/20hodd4 & https://prnt.sc/20hoh2u


  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
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    Posts: 3050
    Ravi on #41681

    Hello Princy,

    For me it is working fine. Please look at the markup weather button have text or not. Also, make sure any CSS rule not hiding this button text.



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    Princy Cromacio on #41682

    Hi Ravi,
    Thanks for Suggestion,

    I Tried Removing Every External CSS, Results were Still Same.
    Hope I Will Be Able to Figue it Out Myself 🙂

    Thanks for Giving Your Valuable Time to This.
    Marking As Resolved 🙂


  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
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    Ravi on #41691

    Hello Princy,

    Thank you for Marking this topic resolved.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Ravi.
  • Participant
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    Princy Cromacio on #41694

    Hi Ravi,
    The Issue Was Due to Font Color, after changing Button Color, Everything is Working Perfect.

    The Theme Hides All Submenus under the Settings Tab at User Profile. Coz of Which, I’m Unable to Use BuddyPress Profile Visibility Manager Plugin.

    I Just Need Someone to Take Look at This too, to see if this could be Resolved too.
    If not, No Issues, as I Already Use the Plugin on Another Site

    Kind Regards,

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
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    Posts: 3050
    Ravi on #41704

    Hello Princy,

    As seems Sub navigation item is marked hidden by the theme author. Please contact the Theme author and ask if there is any theme setting to enable Member’s secondary nav items.

    Or use the following CSS rule:

    .buddypress-wrap .bp-subnavs {
            display: block;


  • Participant
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    Princy Cromacio on #41707

    Hi Ravi,
    Thanks for Sharing This.

    I Already Tried Contacting Them, But Their Support is the Worst, This Is What I Have Learnt 🙁
    Well, It Worked btw. Thanks 🙂


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