

BP xprofile fields plugin – meta keys

  • Participant
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    Melanie on #52383

    I am trying to display xprofile fields (I use BuddyBoss) in Elementor via Elementors dynamic tags.
    For that I need to know the meta keys for each xprofile field, especially:

    custom fields:
    – country selector
    – birthdate selector

    – gender
    – checkboxes
    – dropdown

    single fields:
    – date
    – phone

    Is there a list somewhere where I can get the meta keys for those fields (given that the meta keys are always teh same) so I can then use them in Elementor or other plugins such as ACF etc?

    Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #52388

    Hi Melanie,
    Welcome to Buddydev support forums.

    1. BuddyBoss profile fields does not store data in user meta. They are stored in custom table. You may not use meta key with elemntor for this.

    The solution is to use BuddyPress/BuddyBoss specific shortcode.

    Here is an example plugin that adds the profile data shortcode for BuddyPress/BuddyBoss.


    For usage, Please see this post:-


  • Participant
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    Melanie on #52394

    Hi Brajesh,

    thanks – I installed the plugin and tried the 2 shortcodes:
    [bpsc-profile-data] as well as
    [bpc-profile-data] but they both do not work.

    Nothing shows up on the page.

    Without meta keys there is no real way to transfer the xprofile values to Elementor or any other 3rd party plugin.
    Is there a way to add meta keys to each of the xprofile fields?

    (It would be less of a problem if I could at least also show the xprofile field values in ACF counterpart fields, so transfer/map xprofiel field data to ACF fields)

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by Melanie.
  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #52397

    Hi Meline,
    I am sorry but I am not aware of any way to get BuddyPress/BuddyBoss profile fields via acf.

    You will need to add the field name in the shortcode to make it fetch.

    All the data is relative to user. First, you need to determine whose profile data you are fetching logged in user or displayed user or someone else.
    For logged in/displayed, you can pass context=logged or context=displayed
    Here is an example:-

    [bpsc-profile-data field="1" context="logged"]

    Should display the name. You can access the field id/name from BuddyBoss->Profiles screen in the backend.


  • Participant
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    Melanie on #52398

    Hi Brajesh,
    once again I really appreciate your input ๐Ÿ˜‰

    My goal is to create a ACF field with the name e.g. “Country”.
    Now I already created xprofile field with teh same name. A user registers and fill sout the xprofile field.
    So, how can I make the ACF field have the same value now?

    Example: user registers via BB registration form and enters his country (xprofile field): Argentina. So the xprofile field shows “Argentina”.

    Now, lets say I create a separate ACF field also called “Country”.
    How can I make “Argentina” from the xprofile field now show up in the ACF field?

    Is there a code snippet to make this happen?

    Reason for this question: if I can create ACF fields then I can get a meta key which I can then use for more functions and plugins.

  • Participant
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    Melanie on #52402


    After checking a lot on Google I came across this term “sync”, so maybe I explained it wrong or used the wrong terminology (my apologies).

    So let me try again, I try to sync ACF fields with the xprofile fields created.

    Example: if a user registers with his country, then country will show up in his user profile page via xprofile field.

    If I create a ACF field with the same name now, can I sync the xprofile data/value with the ACF field?

    I hope this time this is clearer than using transfer or other words to describe what I am trying to achieve ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #52410

    Hi Melaine,
    I am sorry for the delayed reply.

    I am not aware of any solution that allows mapping of BuddyPress/BuddyBoss profile fields with ACF.


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    Ahmed on #53110

    how does the ‘author’ context work? can I use it with Elementor to add cetain profile data to the list of posts. For example using post query function on Elementor, I want to show (in addition of the name and avatar of the author of the post) some extra data about the author derieved from the profile fileds. Is using ‘author’ context suitable in this case?

  • Participant
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    Ahmed on #53111

    how does the โ€˜authorโ€™ context work? can I use it with Elementor to add cetain profile data to the list of posts. For example using post query function on Elementor, I want to show (in addition of the name and avatar of the author of the post) some extra data about the author derieved from the profile fileds. Is using โ€˜authorโ€™ context suitable in this case?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #53118

    Hi Ahmed,
    The author context checks if we are inside a post loop. If yes, It uses the post author.

    I am sorry, I haven’t tested it with elementor. I don’t see any reason for conflict though. It should work fine.

    Yes, author is the correct context for you.


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