

[Resolved] BuddyPress Auto Activate Auto Login – Cannot login

  • Participant
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    Christophe Bergot on #23893

    Hello Brajesh,

    I have installed the plugins below :
    – BuddyPress Ajax Registration
    – BuddyPress Auto Activate Auto Login

    It’s look like that I can register but I cannot login …
    I might need to change a WP setting to Auto Activate account ?
    In the next message, I am going to paste the WP-admin access (it’s a site used for test), please could you look at it ?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Participant
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    Christophe Bergot on #23894
    This reply has been marked as private.
  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24427
    Brajesh Singh on #23899

    Hi Chris,
    I ma sorry for the inconvenience.

    I tried registering using a temp email and the Ajax registration popup form on your site. I was logged in correctly.

    Can you please tell me how to re-produce it.

    PS:- Please delete the user I registered.

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    Christophe Bergot on #23909

    Hello Brajesh,

    Sorry, I don’t understand your previous message …

    As said before, the site is a test site, I mean this website is a spare Domain where we can test anything we want to test … I test your plugins and other plugins too like security, cache, optimization, … One week ago, I broke this test site with a Cache plugin … No problem, I just reinstalled the site …

    When I will understand your plugins, then I will try to set them up in the main website.

    Anyway, now it works and we can Auto Activate account during registration and we can login after login out, that’s Great !! please what settings did you change ?

    Congratulation, Your AJAX forms are really beautiful …

    Thanks in advance,


  • Participant
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    Christophe Bergot on #23910

    One more thing, I have conditional fields :

    Category :
    – Agriculture
    – Food

    Agriculture Category (shown when Category = Agriculture)
    – Livestock
    – Animal husbandry

    Food Category (shown when Category = Food)
    – Dairy
    – fruit

    The conditional visibility works well in the user profile page, however the conditional visibility doesn’t work on the AJAX registration form, I mean the Agriculture Category & Food Category fields are always shown on the AJAX registration form, whatever the selection of the Category field …
    Please what settings are wrong ?


  • Participant
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    Christophe Bergot on #23911

    For information, all these Category Fields are set to NOT Required …
    I have just tried to enable Javascript for each fields but the Ajax registration form automatically switch to the standard BP registration form …

    If the conditional fields don’t work on the AJAX registration form, then I will hide these Category fields with your tutorial below and keep only the “Type of Member” field on the AJAX registration form :

    Please how to redirect the user to the “Edit Profile” page after registration ?

    Thanks …

  • Participant
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    Christophe Bergot on #23912

    I have just pasted the code below in bp-custom.php file in the purpose to hide these Category fields in the AJAX Registration Form but I have an Error Page !!!

    Please, Does this code below works for the AJAX Registration Form ?

    For information, I don’t know coding at all but I try to build a simple and free website with WP to help low qualified people to find a job. However, I can delete and paste code into files and I can check the xprofile field ID’s in phpMyAdmin.

    * Hide some profile fields on the AJAX Registration Form – added by CHRIS on 7 July 2019
    * Category ID=3, Agriculture Category ID=6, Food Category ID=9,
    * https://buddydev.com/support/forums/topic/hide-some-profile-field-from-register-form/
    function buddydev_filter_register_fields( $r ) {

    if ( bp_is_register_page() ) {
    $r[‘exclude_fields’] = 3,6,9; // Comma-separated list of profile field IDs to exclude.

    return $r;
    add_filter(‘bp_after_has_profile_parse_args’,’buddydev_filter_register_fields’ );

  • Participant
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    Christophe Bergot on #23913

    Sorry, here is the Code Block :

    * Hide some profile fields on the AJAX Registration Form – added by CHRIS on 7 July 2019
    * Category ID=3, Agriculture Category ID=6, Food Category ID=9,
    * https://buddydev.com/support/forums/topic/hide-some-profile-field-from-register-form/
    function buddydev_filter_register_fields( $r ) {

    if ( bp_is_register_page() ) {
    $r[‘exclude_fields’] = 3,6,9; // Comma-separated list of profile field IDs to exclude.

    return $r;
    add_filter(‘bp_after_has_profile_parse_args’,’buddydev_filter_register_fields’ );

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24427
    Brajesh Singh on #23923

    Hi Chris,
    Thank you.

    I am glad the login worked. I did not make any change. I just checked it. It might have been some caching issue in your brwoser.

    For the conditional registration, The plugin is compatible with BuddyPress Ajax Registration.

    Is there any chance that the field on which conditions are and field which triggers the condition are in different profile field group?
    On registration, we have only the first profile field group available. On profile edit, we have all fields available. So that might be the reason.

    PS:- Please use backticks(`) to enclose the code and post in the forum.


  • Participant
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    Posts: 19
    Christophe Bergot on #23944

    Hello Brajesh,

    OK, so far I don’t use any Profile Field Group because i don’t know what is for … moreover I have disabled the Group feature in BP settings … I have disabled User Activity, Settings & Notification too … I just allow a one-to-one user because it’s simple … I just need simple and basic features … but I will set 2 different types of Members with your Member Types Pro plugin.

    Please I have few questions about your Conditional Profile Fields plugin for BP :
    – Is this plugin could work for the Search Member in the Directory ?
    – If yes, what settings are required ?
    – If not, is there any simple code to allow the Search Member in the Directory with Conditional Profile Fields ?

    For information, please find below the result of my tests :
    – The Conditional Profile Fields works well in the BP Registration Form
    – The Conditional Profile Fields works well to Edit/View User Profile
    – The Conditional Profile Fields DOESN’T work with the Search Member Form and Widget

    Thank in advance,


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