

Create an alternative to BuddyVerified

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
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    Graham Hoffman on #6586

    As per a few posts I’ve added today, I’ve love to see BuddyDev doing an alternative to BuddyVerified.

    BuddyVerified: https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress-verified/
    A cool alternative to users of ClassiPress. Classipress Verified User: https://marketplace.appthemes.com/plugins/classipress-verified-user/#desc – demo: http://demo.roidayan.com/classipress/

    This is just some ideas as to what I see a newer plugin doing:
    1. Custom Badges / or even a ‘banner’ under the profile image with the specific text – Example: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3r7p8nxa81hey7u/Screenshot%202016-12-01%2000.08.06.png?dl=0

    2. Mouse hover brings up text label, click to bring to a page that explains the different badges/ways to get them. This page could be manually, or even a shortcode.

    3. Add a menu that only certain role can create a new badge/banner.

    4. Allow specific roles to add ‘verified users’, perhaps different badges are only available by certain roles. For Example, an Editor can only add a ‘Verified’ badge to users, but an Administrator (who is the only account who can make badges) can add ‘Verified’, ‘VIP’ and ‘Admin’.

    5. Front end form to ‘apply’ for specific badge/verification, potentially with a moderation form. This could easily be done via a Contact Form

    6. Ajax front search form for users to add verified badges without using backend (Great for editor team)

    7. Icon to symbolise verification on Activity Wall, Person Profile, WPAdverts Sale, BB Press, Groups

    8. Could add a default badge based on user role – Admin, Contributor, Group Admin/Moderators

    9. Block certain pages based on ‘verified badge’, with a rejection page if user doesn’t have minimum requirement.

    Goes without saying – must be BuddyPress and mobile compatibile.

    That’s just some of my ideas, now let me tell you how I use it.

    For my site, my users must have be ‘verified’ by a industry professional to ensure we do not sell items to users who are not verified. I currently ‘verify’ the industry professionals who then have a custom role on my site and search through my full ‘users’ area and verify the members who request it.

    Those without a verified account can use the website freely, but just simply cannot buy/sell items via WPAdverts. On WPAdverts, users who sell must then be moderated to ensure they’re a validated member before we publish the post.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24804
    Brajesh Singh on #6622

    Hi Graham,
    Thank you.

    It’s a good idea and we have pondered developing one such plugin multiple times here. We do plan to build a few solutions where this plugin wil be very useful.

    Thank you for the ClassiPress demo. I see that it is specific tailored for the use case.

    I believe
    1, 2,3,4,7(extendible), 8 are very good points for creating one such plugin.

    5,6,9 are better left as extra tasks. No. 5 is something we may add as part but I believe the other two should be better left from this.

    Since we are already scheduled for this month(A few new plugins and hopefully a theme solution coming), we can think of doing it in the new year.

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    Graham Hoffman on #6631

    Sounds awesome Brajesh, keep me updated.

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    Maksim Rusakovich on #17372

    Hello Brajesh Singh

    It’s a very good topic, but I see there is not progress. If you can update this plugin, it will be great.
    I added request to buddypress also


    + other unsolved requests

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24804
    Brajesh Singh on #17384

    Hi Max,
    Thank you.

    I am sorry but as a developer, I don’t see much incentive in creating such a plugin anymore. The BuddyVerified plugin got very limited adoption.

    We are consolidating our efforts on some major ones that will add value to the community as well as help us a business and this plugin is not on our radar for now.

    If you need assistance in fixing the BuddyVerified, I can do some smaller updates on their plugin.

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    Maksim Rusakovich on #17427


    Thank you. Sure. I understand you.
    What is about the license? Could you update this plugin and upload for all in your website?

    1. Remove icon and ‘”<‘ text in widget area.

    2. Add custom field to member profile for verified users.

    Thank you for your help, Brajesh

    Great support!

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24804
    Brajesh Singh on #17429

    Thank you.

    These are minor changes and I can contribute the changes on github

    Will fork and submit a pull request with changes.

    Also, In this case it is not needed but just clarifying that you can almost fork any WordPress plugin. They are almost always GPL licensed(except a few ).

    1. is very easy and I will push it any time today/tomorrow.
    2. Can you please provide more details. Do you want to add extra profile fields to a user’s account if their account is verified?

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 95
    Maksim Rusakovich on #17430


    Thank you.

    2. Yes, you’re right. But how to remove this field from registration process? Because I want to see this field first.
    Maybe it’s not a good idea.

    3. Or, we can add the icon after username

    4. (big plus! if..) But, I want to replace Username with Name + Surname of the member. And after that add verified icon.
    Is it possible?

    5. Maybe you wrote in your blog how to replace Username with Name + Surname in member profile page.

    Thank you, Brajesh

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24804
    Brajesh Singh on #17436

    Please allow me till 19th, I will have an update on the plugin.


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