Hello. I’m using a shortcode for my site gallery at the bottom of this page
however. I would like the gallery to be displayed in a grid view instead of a single column. How can I fix this? Thanks.
I have default gird selected for all my galleries
the gallery on this page is a shortcode to the site gallery.
At least it displays something on this page
however when I try to visit the site gallery page
it cant be found
mediapress 1.4
buddypress 3.1
wordpress 4.9.6
Hi Buko,
Welcome to BuddyDev.Please visit Dashboard->MediaPress->Tools and share the details.
I am assuming the problem lies with the archive slug.
It seems you have sitewide gallery and user galleries both enabled and the BuddyPress Gallery directory as well as the sitewide gallery archive share same url.
Can you please share that?
Also, before you do that, can you please visit MediaPress->Settings->Sitewide Gallery and try changing the slugs there to some random strings and then checking again the gallery.
Thank you
BrajeshThanks Brajesh.
Quick Note: I had been using youtube links for my videos. I manually applied images to each gallery video. Now the youtube videos are not embeded. i click the thumbnail and all i get is the URL for the post or something
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- This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
- This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
Hi Buko,
From the above I can see the issue. The problem lies with the settings of archive page.
1. Please do not use “gallery” in the sitewide archive slug if you have BuddyPress gallery directory enable(You have it enabled and the page has ‘gallery’ as slug). They need to be different.
2. sub path is not recognized. You are using “gallery/user-galleries” in the single gallery permalink slug. It is breaking the gallery link for sitewide. You should instead use “user-galleries” or anything like. WordPress does not allow the archive and the single post to share same prefix.
The above step will fix the broken link issue.
About Updating Link:- In MediaPress, changing a media is not supported. You can update the details(e.g. title/status/description etc) but can not replace media. You will need to delete link and add new links(Links are treated as media here).
Also, if you are looking to enable lightbox:- Please visit MediaPress->settings->Themes section and you will find the options to enable it.
Hope that helps.
BrajeshThanks for the help Brajesh. The Site Gallery Link is no longer broken. I still have a problem with my videos. I am not very interested in changing the video once it has uploaded
Here is my problem:
If I add a new youtube video to my gallery, the thumbnail is just a black camera icon. When I click edit->”upload new cover” the new cover image appears. However the video no longer works. Instead there is just url. if you visit my site you will see that the only video that works is the one where I have not uploaded a new cover.
I would like to solve this so that if users try to upload a new cover image that does not break the video.
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