Tagged: Profile Fields
I am using your custom fields plugin, it’s great!
https://buddydev.com/plugins/bp-xprofile-custom-field-types/Is there a way to display those fields on the website?
For example, I would like to display one of the fields for a specific user (by entering their user_id in shortcode) and have their profile field show up.Some of the fields have multiple checkboxes so would like all those results listed as well.
Does anyone know if there’s a way to do this?
Thank you for the question.Do you want to list specific field data of a user or the whole profile(similar to what what is available on BuddyPress profile?)
Please let me know and I may be able to point in the right direction.
BrajeshYes, I would like to list specific data. Honestly, I’m looking for the ability to choose any field I need and place it on a custom page. Basically, I want to choose several of the members and make them a special Featured Member page. I would custom build the page and add the shortcodes on each page. I might want to display their username and many of the custom fields I created for the BuddyPress Xprofile.
Found this plugin that does a good job displaying these fields using a shortcode except for one thing. If a field has multiple options it outputs “array” instead of each item – If this worked it would be perfect.
https://wordpress.org/plugins/bp-xprofile-shortcode/I tried this plugin as well but it has a problem that many users are reporting. I’m affected by that problem too and it doesn’t display the custom fields on my site:
https://wordpress.org/plugins/bp-profile-shortcodes-extra/The other thing I need to display is the avatar of a chosen user ID but I understand that has nothing to do with a custom field. I’m still looking for that solution.
Thank you for sharing the details.You can remove the plugin and put this code in theme theme’s functions.php
/** * Xprofile data shortcode. */ add_shortcode( 'bpc-profile-data', function ( $atts = array(), $content = null ) { $atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'context' => '', // logged, displayed, author 'user_id' => 0, 'field' => '', ), $atts ); if ( empty( $atts['field'] ) ) { return ''; } $user_id = 0; switch ( $atts['context'] ) { case 'displayed': $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id(); break; case 'logged': $user_id = get_current_user_id(); break; case 'author': $user_id = get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ); break; default: if ( $atts['user_id'] ) { $user_id = $atts['user_id']; } elseif ( in_the_loop() ) { $user_id = get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ); } elseif ( bp_is_user() ) { $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id(); } elseif ( is_user_logged_in() ) { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); } } if ( ! $user_id ) { return ''; } return xprofile_get_field_data( $atts['field'], $user_id, 'comma' ); } );
Now, you can use the shortcode like this
[bpc-profile-data field="About" ]
You can use either the content or the user_id parameter to pass user context or id.
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