Hi Brajesh,
I have used buddypress breadcrumb trail plugin ( url: https://buddydev.com/buddypress-breadcrumb-trail-plugin-compatibility-updated/ ) for breadcrumb generation. Also I have buddypress(version 5.2.0) and bbPress(Version 2.6.4) Installed with latest wordpress version.
Issue :
1) You are viewing any buddypress member public profile(Non logged-In), you click on forums tab and after that hover on forums menu in breadcrumb then you will see forums slug is appending to requested url.
eg. e.g. https://example.com/members/user123/forums/forums/…..
2) You are viewing any buddypress member public profile(Non logged-In), you click on forums tab and after that click on any sub menus(i.e. Topics Started, Replies Created, Engagements and Favorites) of forums. After that hover on forums menu in breadcrumb then you will see forums slug is appending to requested url.
e.g. https://example.com/members/user123/forums/favorites/forums/…..
Note: Same thing is happening with activity tab and it’s sub menus.
Also google crawling these looping forums and activity urls.
Forums: https://tinyurl.com/yc4tuend
Activity: https://tinyurl.com/y7qsxt7s
kindly provide solution for above issue.
Hi Mangesh,
Welcome to BuddyDev.I believe things have changed since then. We do have updated code in Community Builder Free/Pro theme for the same. I will extract and share that in a day.
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