

[Resolved] MediaPress Audio

  • Participant
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    Dale on #44507

    I can make a temporary guest account but I have a login authentication system that uses email verification…according to the stats I have a lot of attempts to login from many countries that are not my users.
    I can deactivate it too allow you to not use a valid account for a time period that you are likely to log in if you give me a idea…

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    Dale on #44508

    I was having the upload errors this morning and then I had about 3 plugin updates for other plugins and now it seems I am no longer having the upload error in my user gallery.

    (This error has disappeared)
    20220305_163341.jpg(1.9 mb)x An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.

    While I am here I would like to mention that even with allowing New gallery and New Media to be published to activity, it does not post that I create a gallery or upload something. Is there a specific criteria for uploads to be mentioned?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24804
    Brajesh Singh on #44511

    HI Dale,
    Thank you.

    That confirms my belief that the ajax response was getting corrupted due to some notice in other plugins. It seems, that might have got fixed now.

    You can enable the automatic recording of activities from dashboard->MediaPress–>Settings->BuddyPress screen.

    Though, I will not suggest enabling the automatic recording of activity for media(Users have the ability to publish the media to activity from gallery manage screen for any unpublished media).

    The reason I do not suggest is the individual uploads will create one activity per upload.


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    Dale on #44515

    I have both New Gallery and Media added/uploaded enabled but I still do not see any posting on the activity page that such action was executed on the galleries. One time I did see a posting where it posted each photo individually which was cumbersome I thought as I uploaded a few at once and so it would make more sense to load a collage of what was uploaded and then anything over 6 or 8 photos would have a number overlaid to show there are that many more photos in that upload and that can be viewed when viewing that set that was uploaded. But again at this time – nothing happens.

    I am still interested in the idea of a private album with ability to allow certain users only and also the option to allow members of the album to upload to the same album. I have been wanting some of these features for a very long time in previous attempts to construct my website with different platforms.

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    Dale on #44518

    Ok I figured out why the photos were not posting to the activity page, the album or photos have to be set as “Public” and I was using my albums for friends or logged in users only. I was expecting that I would see my own photos and/or friends would see them as well since they would have the authorization to view my albums. Perhaps this is something you can look at changing at some time or add a option to post a individual photo(s) to the activity page when uploading.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24804
    Brajesh Singh on #44540

    Hi Dale,
    Thank you for the replies. I am glad that the things are more clear now.

    BuddyPress does not offer any privacy out of the box. We do set hide_sitewide=1 for any activity which is not public. It should be visible in the activity stream of the user show posted(on their profile). BuddyPress will probably filter it out on sitewide activity stream.

    As of your collaborative gallery, Please share your email in private reply and we will provide you a copy of our shared gallery plugin which is in beta stage. It serves the same purpose.


  • Participant
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    Dale on #44543
    This reply has been marked as private.
  • Participant
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    Dale on #44548

    I would like to add another item for a wish list, photo sub albums, so that I can for example have personal projects that I have made and a person can create photo albums of a single project instead of of all projects photos in a single category.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24804
    Brajesh Singh on #44561

    Hi Dale,
    Thank you.

    1. We will share the Shared Gallery plugin with you today.

    2. I am sorry, we don’t have any plan to have sub albums for now. It was initial design decision to keep the things simple and we do not plan to change that. We do plan to provide the option of Category to organize the galleries if that helps.


  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on #44573

    Hello Dale,

    We have shared the “MPP Shared Gallery” plugin with you. Please check.


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