

Mediapress Galleries not showing up on Gallery page

  • Participant
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    ngoegan on #2688

    I installed Mediapress 1.0.2 on WordPress 4.4.2, Buddypress 2.4.3, , activated it, created a page called “Gallery” and in settings > buddypress > pages – associated wordpress’ “gallery” page with Buddypress’ component directory titled “gallery”
    I then added the gallery page to the primary menu in appearance > menu and it is now showing in the nav bar.

    I added a gallery and added a cover image to it under Mediapress > add photo gallery.

    But When I click on the gallery page there are no gallerys. I know the functionality is there because it says “all galleries: 0” and “filter by” with a drop down to select “all galleries” or “photo” etc. So the page is correctly linked, but it is not showing the gallery I created.

    Please help. Thank you.

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    ngoegan on #2689

    Okay, I found an older post and it said to select “photo” from the filter, when I do that, my galleries appear. However, as soon as I leave the page and return, “all galleries” shows 0 again. People will think there are no galleries when in fact they are, is this a glitch or is there a way to fix it?

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    ngoegan on #2690

    I’m also unable to upload files by clicking “upload” on any of the galleries from the page 🙁

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    ngoegan on #2691

    In case it matters, I’m using the spacious theme, which came recommended on the wpmudev.org buddypress set up guide here: https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/buddypress-guide/

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #2692

    Hi ngoegan,
    Thank you for using MediaPress. I am sorry for for the inconveniences.

    Can you please visit MediaPress->settings and tell me if you have saved the settings atleast once. Also, What is the default privacy set?

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    ngoegan on #2695

    Yes, I have saved it many times and privacy is set to “public”

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #2699

    Can you please visit “MediaPress->Tools” and post me the debug log? That will help me to understand the issue and assist you better.

    Thank you

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    Posts: 11
    ngoegan on #2700

    // Generated by the MediaPress Debug tool //

    Multisite: No

    SITE_URL: http://www.charlottemasoneducation.org
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    // MediaPress Settings //

    active_components: sitewide,groups
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    active_types: photo,doc
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    mpp_upload_space: 500
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    default_storage: local
    enable_gallery_archive: 0
    gallery_archive_slug: galleries
    gallery_permalink_slug: gallery
    sitewide_active_types: photo,doc
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    // End of MediaPress Settings //

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #2701

    Thank you.
    It helps a lot. Can you please settings->Sitewide gallery and change the permalink slug from ‘gallery’ to ‘albums’ and then please visit Settings->Permalinks and try changing and restoring the permalinks. Last step is needed to flush the rewrite rules.

    We have a slug conflict between gallery directory and single gallery permalink and that may be causing the issue. This is one of the things that we can check before debugging further.

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 11
    ngoegan on #2702

    Okay, I did all that. You wanted me to go to Settings > Permalinks and change it a different permalink – like “plain” and save. Then switch it back to postname and save – is that correct?

    I did that and it is still showing “Galleries: 0”

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