

Not able to get BP Auto Friendship Pro to work with BuddyBoss Platform

  • Participant
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    Paul Henderson on #37404

    I have BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro 1.0.3 installed on the latest BuddyBoss Platform. I set up a simple rule where I want newly registered users to automatically follow a few selected existing users. But nothing happens. When I register a new user, there are no following. I also tried auto friendship but also nothing happened.

    I saw this support post about adding some docs in bp-custom.php to trigger on registration. But I’m still not seeing any result. https://buddydev.com/support/forums/topic/buddypress-friends-suggestions-pro-isnt-work/

    Any suggestions?

  • Keymaster
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    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on #37414

    Hello Paul,

    Thank you for using the plugin.

    1. What are the conditions you are setting up. Also, Let me know what are the field types of those fields you are using in making conditions.

    2. Please do let me know Is it normal user registration from the BuddyBoss Register form or something else.


  • Participant
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    Paul Henderson on #37421

    Thanks for getting back to me. I have only one condition right now. “Role equal to Author with “Add as Following” . I want new Author registrants to be set up upon registration to be following a short list of existing members.

    Right now I am using the Memberpress registration, not BuddyBoss registration. Maybe that is the problem?

    One more thing. I’m confused by the language Add as Followers and Add as Following. I think I have it right here where I set it for Add As Following. Is that correct? Does that mean “add the newly registered user as following this list of existing members”?

    Then would Add As Followers mean “add this newly registered user and set this list of existing users as followers of that new user”?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24804
    Brajesh Singh on #37451

    Hi Paul,
    Thank you.
    It seems using MemberPress for the registration is the issue. We are looking for it and will have a compatibility by Monday/Tuesday.

    Also, yes, you are right about the assumptions.

    Add as Followers :- The selected/matched users are added as followers of the new users
    Add as Following:- The selected/matched users will be followed by the new user.

    we will clarify it in our next release to make it easier.


  • Participant
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    Paul Henderson on #42497

    I’m trying to use this again, now with BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro 1.0.7 with BuddyBoss. Yes I have Memberpress 1.9.27 and Memberpress+Buddypress Integration 1.1.11 installed too. However I am using the BuddyBoss regular registration, not the Memberpress registration.

    I still cannot get Auto Follow running with BuddyBoss. I have not tried auto friendship yet.

    Were you able to fix this problem in your post last April?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24804
    Brajesh Singh on #42501

    Yes, it is compatible now.


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