


  • Participant
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    Christian Hendriks on #4687

    I have a big problem,

    From a lot of users all media is lost. In groups, in the activity etc. I did nothing, but its all lost.
    How can i fix this?

    Site is NSFW


  • Participant
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    Christian Hendriks on #4692


  • Keymaster
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    Brajesh Singh on #4696

    Hi Christian,
    I am sorry but Ravi is on leave. he has been handling your issues and He will only be back on Monday.

    I am sorry but due to the nature of your site, I am unable to test it on the site.

    In the meantime, I will like to assist you here and see if that solves your problem.

    1. It is not possible to loose any data without some change. Do you remember if you installed a new plugin or upgraded one?

    2. The MediaPress data will never be lost. It is still there but may not be visible.

    PS: Any chance that you have anything related to multilingual recently? Also, Please do check Dashboard->MediaPress->settings and see if they are correct or not?

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    Christian Hendriks on #4710

    1. Today i lost again all my uploads from the activity. Did nothing, and was nothing upgrade etc. This happens to a few members (not all). I can see the media in the media libery. But nothing is showing on the activity. Also text postst, images, vids. It all gone. My activity said: Sorry, there was no activity found. “Please try a different filter.”

    2. The settings looks right.

  • Participant
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    Christian Hendriks on #4711

    So far, I calculate 19550 pictures & 339 videos approx 95% of which comes from 10 or so members at most… Please, i really need help. This is a use problem for my site 🙁

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
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    Ravi on #4713

    Hi Christian,

    Sorry for the inconvenience. I am looking into the issue and Will update you shortly.

    Thank You

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
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    Ravi on #4714

    Hi Christian,

    Can you please point me out the media which showing in Backend but not in frontend.

    Thank You

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Ravi.
  • Participant
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    Posts: 71
    Christian Hendriks on #4716

    Dont know what you mean with that Ravi. When you go to admin, and look at the media libary you see all media members upload in the groups, and stream. But it’s not visible anymore at the groups and stream. Only in the media libary

  • Participant
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    Christian Hendriks on #4717

    It’s about the uploads they are already have post in the last few months. Not the new uploads. All the old uploads are not vissible anymore. Thats whats wrong

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on #4718

    Hi Christian,

    Please explain me more

    1. Do you mean Media is showing in Media section of backend. But it is not showing in the Front end gallery.m
    2. Do you mean media is showing in front-end gallery but missing from the activity.
    3. Do you mean media is not showing.

    Thank you

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