

reorder sub nav activity and change text

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 213
    smart life on #14699


    1) I would like to reorder position as bellow:

    All activity — Friends — Personal — Favorite

    2) How do i change Favorite — to : Interested?

    3) How do i change text “All activity” (reorder sub nav activity) — to : Activity?

    4) Change Profile Photo — to : Change Avarta?

    5) posted an update — to: posted
    6) button post update — to: post
    button save change — to: save
    7) posted a new activity comment — to: posted a comment

    P/S: i know there is a plugin can make it, but only a few, i would like to use spinned code for easier manager. Thanks

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24427
    Brajesh Singh on #14704

    For changing position, I will suggest using

    Or look into the code. I will avoid spending time writing it.

    For others, Please use poedit to translate the strings.

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