

Snippet for auto join groups – adding non-activated also

  • Participant
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    Vivek Mathur on #32932

    Hi Brajesh, i am using the snippet here : https://buddydev.com/add-new-members-buddypress-groups-automatically/

    to add members to groups automatically. However, i am finding that even non-activated ( pending signups) are getting added to the groups.

    Is there a way to prevent members who are not activated from getting added to groups?

    The issue is primarily that a lot of spam registraions are happening, which do not get activated, however, as they are added to groups, they start being sent mails through the BP group email subsctipiton plugin.

    These are spam registrations happening from the BP Register page. I am also having ~80% registratons thru the social login plugin which are working fine (they are auto activated)

    Any suggestions will be much appreciated.


  • Keymaster
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    Ravi on #32936

    Hello Vivek,

    Sorry for the inconvenienc. Code will add user to group only when user activate his account. There might some other issue in your case. It there any plugin or custom code you are using for groups.


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    Vivek Mathur on #32948

    Thanks, Ravi – related to Groups, i am using the following:

    1. Snippet for auto joinin as mentioned
    2. BP Groups Email subscriptions
    3.BP Groups Import users (DEACTIVATED) – used one time only
    4. BP Extended moderator – Buddydev
    5. BP Moderation tools – Buddydev
    6. Buddydev snippet – Hide Group members for everyone except Site Admin, Group admin and group mods

    Any suggestion what might be causing this?

    thanks, Vivek

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3050
    Ravi on #32952

    Hello Vivek,

    It looks like “BP Groups Email Subscriptions” is causing it as there is a setting “Spam Prevention” please use this with certain minimum days and check if the issue still persists.

    Plugin author mention this at “SPAM PROTECTION” section on plugin page at wordpress.org.



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    Vivek Mathur on #32959

    Thanks, Ravi. Actually the SPAM PROTECTION is to prevent new users posts in the group, to be included in the group emails (so it controls the CONTENT of the emails, and trigger in case the setting is for an individual mail for each activity).

    My issue is about the RECIPIENTS of the mails, where even non-activated members (ie who have not confirmed by clicking on activation email link in BP register) are added to groups >> added to BP Group Emails subscription >> sent the group digests, even though they are not yet activated. (these are users who appear with User Status = 2 in the Users table, while activated users have user status = 0 in the Users table)


  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3050
    Ravi on #32965

    Hello Vivek,

    Is there any chance you are using our “BuddyPress Member Types Pro” which also has feature to auto join associated groups with the member type to user account when anything happen regarding user member types.


  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 72
    Vivek Mathur on #33028

    Thanks, Ravi – No, i did have it MTP installed but it was deactivated.

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