


  • Participant
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    brtekim on #37775
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  • Participant
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    brtekim on #37730

    I need to control the avatar size instead of none.

    I need avatar size 100×100 in wordpress dashboard only.

    please make the shortcode.

  • Participant
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    brtekim on #36879

    Thank you.

    Ok I will disable the option for writting in activity stream.


  • Participant
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    brtekim on #36811

    Oh thank you

    very good

  • Participant
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    brtekim on #36730




  • Participant
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    brtekim on #36362



    I solved that problem. thank you

  • Participant
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    brtekim on #36354
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  • Participant
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    brtekim on #36340

    this is important for me.

    pleaase .

    How to remove ?

    I made gift-tab but I didn’t control gift-tab.

    I can find the gift-tab in Buddypress profile.
    But there is no item in your plugin.

    I mistakely made two tabe.
    but I cannot delete two item.
    because I cannot see two tiem in your plugin.

  • Participant
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    brtekim on #36326

    specially , your program interface is goood.

    But slightly has some bugs.

    plz…help me. I will be satisfied to assist me to make the menu.

  • Participant
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    brtekim on #36325


    very good.

    You have the good idea that you made program.
    But You might adjust the explaination of plugin.
    and then, Yours is excelent.


    Can I send the existing menu to another existing sub-menu?