So far, I calculate 19550 pictures & 339 videos approx 95% of which comes from 10 or so members at most… Please, i really need help. This is a use problem for my site 🙁
1. Today i lost again all my uploads from the activity. Did nothing, and was nothing upgrade etc. This happens to a few members (not all). I can see the media in the media libery. But nothing is showing on the activity. Also text postst, images, vids. It all gone. My activity said: Sorry, there was no activity found. “Please try a different filter.”
2. The settings looks right.
thnx ravi.
I noticed it after the update (buddypress+Kleo) The last plugins i add:
BP Confirm Actions
BuddyPress Like
BuddyPress Message Privacy(BuddyDev)
MediaPress – Media View CounterKind regards,
ChristianHi @Ravi
The lightbox is showing the white box on the right side again.
- This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
Christian Hendriks.
- This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
Christian Hendriks.
- This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
The problems are still here 🙁
Yes, thnx. The lightbox is working well again. But the uploads are very strange in the groups. The first is the last image. But when you click on it, the first, and not the last image is show. And i check if i have more issues. And yes. All my uploads are gone since this issue begon. So if i can see it’s only my own posts, and not the user post god thank
Hi Ravi. Thnx for helping again. Is there any updates?
I still have the problems. Any news already?
All any news?