That make sense, my argument for implementing cards was to make the site leaner, with less extensions, and less conflicts.
Thanks a lot for doing this work for me, looking at the cards, despite it’s not in your own favor.
CarstenHi Brajesh, I still have this issue with deleted xprofile fields still displaying in the membership list.
I know you are not the developer of the card plugin, but I can’t figure out where to look for a solution.
The idea with adding more information to the members list is good, maybe it was an idea integrating this show on card option in either Xprofile Custom Field Types or Conditional Profile Fields for BuddyPress to secure total combabillity?
Carsten- This reply has been marked as private.
Hi Brajesh, sorry for the confusion, my fault, I received the mail notification on my administrator email address, not the members email, and was able to communicate with the other member this way.
I hope I can turn of these email notifications , so I do not receive an email, every time a member writes another member
CarstenI am not using any of these plugins.
‘That settings is for sending notification via email.’
Yes, and that is the key to the problem, because after sending a BuddyPress message, the users are able to communicate by email via the notification email.
CarstenThat’s strange, I wonder what plugin which give this option in settings, I will go through my plugins later today, thanks!
Hi Brajesh, while testing time BuddyPress message component and the Privat Message Rate Limiter, with a friend, for the first time I discovered the problem with the email notifications send, when receiving a message.
The problem is, that a member can get around the message rate limiter, by simply continue the conversation by email instead of messages.
I have been looking for a solution for this leak in support pages, and apparently there is no way of turning off these emails.
Have I overlooked this option in BuddyPress, or are there really no way of turning these messages off?
If not, limiting the message rate is pretty meaningless?I am putting you on overtime for the moment, I know, sorry about that!
CarstenIt has happened earlier too, and honestly I do not think it has anything to do with your plugin, but very strange.
The author of Membership Cards says that the plugin does not store any data, so where is this stored?
With the Membership Cards active: the content of the Multi-line text Area type can not be deleted or overwritten even if the Card is disabled
Note that the overwritten text ‘This is a test’ just adds to the old unerasable text.
And with the plugin deactivated: that it is very inconsistent, how the values are displayed.
There is a problem with old values hanging around, the author of membership cards claim these values are not stored by this plugin, but where are they stored then, any ideas?
New registrations displays correctly, here “Lise”:
Hi Brajesh, thanks for the update, which solved the problem, great!
One smaller issue is the comma between the values, which more correct should be a -, like this 20-30