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    Cordial on in reply to: [Resolved] Change or remove member type from slug #52593

    The code worked perfectly, as you can see here– https://prnt.sc/zLu7zoZVnAzQ

    Thanks so much for this, Sir!

    I reasoned the Loco Translate suggestion you brought up, and that seemed to steer me up to understand that, the Text in focus, must be somewhere inside BuddyPress.

    Through some Googling, I found BuddyPress on Github, and realized that the Text is on this file path ( buddypress/src/bp-members/bp-members-template.php ).

    1.) The Text is inside the ( bp-members-template.php ), and it is located on line 2263, as you can see here— https://prnt.sc/K8lMFIkUEoTt

    I’m wondering if that is how I can find the file location through the File Manager of my Control Panel?

    2.) Suppose I find that file, can I edit the Text directly from there? — without breaking my website?

    Why I’m asking, is to know if some other functions don’t work based on that text remaining as “Type” in the Template? — in which case, if the Text changes from being “Type”, some things may fail?

    2b.) And if I edit the Text directly from there, would the edits be lost whenever I update BuddyPress?


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    Cordial on in reply to: [Resolved] Change or remove member type from slug #52566

    Hello Ravi,

    I thank You very much for this reply, even though I’m not satisfied with the reply.

    You see, I have achieved so much on the website with custom code from everywhere— from BuddyPress Forum, to random developers code found during Google Search, and also from you guys at BuddyDev.

    The use of custom code was because I had performance in mind, and didn’t want too much plugins flooding my website– where there could be compatibility issues over time.

    It now pains me, that you want me to use a plugin, simply because of this single one line of text.

    Please, let’s not go that route.

    If it’s you that wants to do what I’m asking, you will not use plugin for that small thing. I know you will use code to translate the string.

    Please help me find the code snippet that can change that single line of text.

    Now, I don’t mind even going to BuddyPress Template and changing it.

    The issue is that I don’t know where in the template, that line of text is located.

    Please, help me out here, without any extra plugin.


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    Cordial on in reply to: [Resolved] Change or remove member type from slug #52512

    I followed this your code, and it worked– because my Organisation has branches in different locations:
    — Ikeja.
    — Victoria Island.
    — Lekki.

    These are not Member Types, but Locations: so your code helped me to call them “Locations”– as what they are, as you can see here — https://prnt.sc/l0ypmQxEGzSP

    2.) You will notice that in my screenshot, when I want to view members of a specific directory who belong to a specific location, it says “Viewing members of the type: Maryland”.

    Now, Maryland is a location. Instead of using the word/text “Type”, I want that text to say “Location”– so that it becomes “Viewing members of the location: Maryland”.

    You have any PHP Code Snippet that can help me change that Text from “Type” to “Location” ?


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    Cordial on in reply to: [Resolved] disable Cover Photo from Directory #51136

    @Ravi, @Brajesh Singh

    You are both correct. It’s my Theme that added that functionality.

    I dropped this same question on the BuddyPress support Forum, and I was shocked 😱 to my bones that I got answer. I was shocked because that BuddyPress support Forum seemed the most useless in the world, unfortunately.

    Nonetheless, it was said to me that what I am experiencing is indeed not default BuddyPress behaviour, and that I should contact Theme Author.

    I did actually contact Theme Author, and it was solved.


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    Cordial on in reply to: Multiple Members Directories with BuddyPress #51074

    I guess you mean this plugin– https://buddydev.com/plugins/buddypress-member-types-pro/


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    Cordial on in reply to: [bp-members-list] alphabetical sort #51057


    I believe what He is trying to say is that the default BuddyPress Sorting Order starts from “Last Active” — as you can see here—- https://prnt.sc/G5-mIwwvC8Us

    But he needs a way that the Order can be reversed to start from Alphabetical as his new default Order.

    Now, he is saying that your plugin doesn’t provide a Sorting Order in the Shortcode, where he can choose his custom Alphabetical Sorting Order!

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    Cordial on in reply to: Show Buddypress Extended Profile Field on Members Directory #51021

    I see all your points, and I commend you for your giant strides.

    There’s this feature that I want to see in Community Themes– it is an Automated Birthday Greeting Feature.

    Now, People feel loved when we remember them on their Birthdays.

    In my Community, I want to have an Automated system that naturally sends an Email Greeting to the registered Emails of Members on the day of their Birthday.

    Can you Please ensure that you include this feature in your Community Builder Theme?


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    What BuddyPress explained, is different from what I was trying to achieve.

    I applied the BuddyPress Code and I got the result, as seen here– https://prnt.sc/-S2Zmmw5JW55

    The fact that I applied the BuddyPress code and it worked as I’ve pointed out above, tempts me to argue that the ‘bp_directory_members_item’ hook — which you mentioned, may not be the issue.

    The issue is that, this code is for the Single User Page– while I was looking for something that adds these Extended Profile Fields information to the Members Directory cards, as achieved by Kleo Theme here– https://my.seventhqueen.com/docs/general/show-profile-fields-in-the-members-directory/

    See the Video– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY3aEV0YNwA

    Kleo Theme has shown that it is possible to achieve such thing in BuddyPress, and doesn’t require too much coding.

    Kleo has provided all the code. Could you indeed help me figure out why it is not working for me?


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    Hello Sir,

    I’ve been researching deeply, and it has not been easy.

    Here’s what I’m looking to do— https://my.seventhqueen.com/docs/general/show-profile-fields-in-the-members-directory/

    Unfortunately, the code works for Kleo Theme.

    I see that BuddyPress has tried to explain it here– https://codex.buddypress.org/themes/guides/displaying-extended-profile-fields-on-member-profiles/

    Can you Please help me figure out How Kleo Theme and BuddyPress did it?
