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    Jimmy Cheung on in reply to: [Resolved] HIDE CERTAIN MEMBER TYPE #35117
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    Jimmy Cheung on in reply to: [Resolved] HIDE CERTAIN MEMBER TYPE #34934

    Hi Ravi,

    I tried the function, it’s not working? Can you tell me which area(s) I should change?

    How can I take out ALL MEMBERS completely, and also one of the Member Type Female/Man for the members page when it load?

    All I wanted is ONLY one gender to show on the members page. Login Guy only see MEN Members Type, Vise Versa for the WOMEN.

    For my user’s field, I set I AM A “Man , Woman”.

    Please advise how to make this to work?

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    Jimmy Cheung on in reply to: [Resolved] Buddypress Member Type Pro #34907

    Hi Brajesh,

    OMG! I realized buddypress 7.0 has database problems!!! Took me a long time to see it. By luck, I uploaded the 6.4, the errors is gone, worked on the users field again. It’s all good.

    They all are now totally separated by gender and counts.


    PMPro Add-on? Can you tell me which add-on plugin I need to download?

    Also, when I set the membership level, does it HAVE TO set the same Member Type name, or set as FREE , Silver, Gold that it will automatic interact within PMPro and Member Type Pro plugin?

    Please advise on add-on and membership level setting,
    Thanks Jimmy

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Jimmy Cheung. Reason: correct spelling
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    Jimmy Cheung on in reply to: [Resolved] Buddypress Member Type Pro #34871

    Hi Brajesh,

    The new users will not show on the members page? The gender is not tie to the Paid Membership Pro, it’s has Free|Bronze|Silver|Plus by default. Here’s what I did.

    1 – I changed over to that NEW functions.
    2 – Member Type already set for MALE , FEMALE.
    3 – I created 4 users. (Users log in to trigger so it will show on the members page.
    4 – NO Member Type to set in the PMPro? (Isn’t should be compatible for auto show setting?)

    How can PMPro can recognize the Member Type? Maybe that’s why is not showing?

    Please advise help,

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    Jimmy Cheung on in reply to: [Resolved] Buddypress Member Type Pro #34862

    Hi Brajesh,

    I have to reopened this support once more.

    Anyway, I copied and pasted this function (post #34843 Show only users of opposite genders on BuddyPress site).

    I don’t know what to see/do after putting the function? What am i to see the differences, or I should make changes/settings? What admin menu I should click to do/see the adjustment?

    Please advise,
    Thanks Jimmy

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    Jimmy Cheung on in reply to: [Resolved] Buddypress Member Type Pro #34855

    Hi Brajesh,

    Ok, Even better for less plugins usages. Super for pointing out to me. Otherwise, I will be scratching my head. LOL

    Sounds like I did a perfect buy for this Member Type Pro after all.

    Thanks so much for your big help!

    P.S. Indeed, by any chance if your developers going to create more features on a new plugin works with Member Type Pro? Please send out newsletter/email, etc. I will be the first buyer πŸ™‚

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    Jimmy Cheung on in reply to: [Resolved] Buddypress Member Type Pro #34852

    Hi Brajesh,

    I see that function/code. I will put it in the bp-custom.php to see what will come up for my needs.

    Oh, btw, would you recommend these 3 plugins that will work well with Buddypress Member Type Pro? Maybe even other FREE plugins (pro) that give even more separation between male/female?

    Conditional Profile Fields for BuddyPress
    BuddyPress Xprofile Member Type Field
    Link Page to Groups

    Please advise for other plugins, etc.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Jimmy Cheung. Reason: UPDATE MORE EXTRA INFO
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    Jimmy Cheung on in reply to: [Resolved] RECENT VISITOR PLUGIN ERRORS #26371

    Hi Brajesh,

    I know what you are say. But shortcode should function the same way as others.

    Those users listed on the user’s profile, tab and members directory, all are showing every visitors who viewed SUSIE. πŸ™‚

    Please take another person/customer point of view.
    1- logged-in user shouldn’t show themselves on it.

    2- Showing just 3-4 is fine, but if able to refresh/randomly to show others users each time goes to that page. That’s even better.

    Ok, Thanks for your help and understand…

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    Jimmy Cheung on in reply to: [Resolved] RECENT VISITOR PLUGIN ERRORS #26369

    Hi Brajesh,

    I followed your instruction, now is set ALWAYS (Not MOST).

    Recent Visitors settings > Disable for roles? ——- ALL UNCHECKED
    Exclude roles from being recorded? > —————–ALL UNCHECKED

    Oh ya, after I installed the plugin, I used 10 different users to viewed SUSIE btw (not cindy)
    All I see is ONLY 4, BUT one of them is SUSIE herself??? freaky!

    Ya, I still using the same shortcode
    [bp-visitors-most-visited-users view=”slide” max=”10β€³ duration=”7β€³ show_visits=”20β€³]

    Now, the max=10. Should I change to less/more ?

    Now, the show_visitors=10 as well? Should I change to less/more?

    Please advise, Thanks

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    Jimmy Cheung on in reply to: [Resolved] MEMBERS DIRECTORY SHOW WRONG PAGE #26363

    Hi Brajesh,


    It was one of the functions I was using about 3 days ago. Nothing i really needed anyway.

    What I did, I deactivated all the plugins finally at the end. Still problem, then I empty the functions.php it works.. By luck just took me few tried, because that new function was kinda of top of it.

    Thanks for your help,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Jimmy Cheung. Reason: add few words