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    Gisela Zechner on in reply to: Private message management has a problem #52712

    sorry once more – forget my question – all is fine – I must use the button in the Cover Image “Private Message” and not “Contact me”.

    Sorry my interruption – all is fine.
    Best wishes

  • Participant
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    Gisela Zechner on in reply to: Private message management has a problem #52711

    sorry – a mistake caused by me. I was puzzled by the different profiles. Nevertheless – the message is not listed under “messages – inbox” of the profile to which I really have sent it.

  • Participant
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    Hi Brajesh,

    thank you for your explanation – it helps a lot.

    Best wishes

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    Hi Brajesh,

    Thank you for your response.

    yes it does. When I select “Alphabetically” all new members appear.
    When I select “Newest Registered” it lists all, but in the wrong direction. The oldest are on the top and the last at the end of the list.

    Best wishes

  • Participant
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    Posts: 34

    I also cannot see any new member when I visite the community list as administrator.

    It looks like if an update of has caused the issue.

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    Hi Brajesh,

    yes, but the GDPR is focussed on normal end user. They should be able to get information about all data stored of them.

    Best wishes

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    Hi Brajesh,

    Thanks a lot for your and the others team members great support.

    I’ve added a Code in the child’s functions.php – as long as the export is not for human consumption – I think it will not be necessary. I thought this is an export in accordance to the GDP that users can request a report about the data stored about them.

    I imagine that it could be of interest in the European area to offer the users an option to get a report about their personal data stored on the webSite.

    Best Wishes

  • Participant
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    Posts: 34

    Hi Ravi,

    Thanks – I’ve tried it – but it still seems very difficult to read. There is such a huge number of information without a clear structure. I’ve transferred it to xml, there were too much information which is of no relevance for the user.

    Could it be possible to disable the tab in the Profile > settings > Export Data. Maybe with the BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro

    Or is there any possibility to filter or moderate the exported data. E.G. all the tokens are of no interest.

    I have disabled the forums Tab with this Profile-Tabs Creator – does it also work for Settings-Tabs? It worked with the forums tab but not with blog-post.

    Best wishes

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 34

    Hi Ravi,

    Thank you for supporting – I’ve installed it and I’ll try it.

    Best wishes

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 34

    Thanks a lot – I’ve added the code in my function.php of the child-theme and it works.

    Best wishes