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    Hi Brajesh,

    I have download the fiel, thank you.

    But the problem persists. Can you send me by email teh correct file, please?

    Also, when a user upload 2 photos and they are not approbed yet, the other users can see the first photo that appears on the cover of the his galery. I need that users can not see photos before admin has moderated them.

    I try ti disable that usars can report the photos, because in the project where I am working the admin willl moderate it before be publish, then uses can not report the photos. Well, I disabble this option but also appear under the photos the button “Report”. You can see here:


    Best regards


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    Thank you, thank you very very much Barjesh. Now it works perfect.

    You are a very good person and a great professional, I admire you a lot.

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    Thank you very much Brajesh.

    I have created the file bp-custom.php with dreamweaver, I wrote in this file only the code that you gave me. I put it in wp-conten/plugins by FTP and in the forntend appear this message error in the top of the web site, well, is the code of the file that appear:

    “/** * Filter on the gallery creation permission. * * @param bool $can can create. * @param string $component component name. * @param string $component_id component id. * * @return bool */ function mpp_custom_limit_gallery_creation( $can, $component, $component_id ) { // non logged in user’s don’t have permissions and admin’s don’t have restrictions. if ( ! is_user_logged_in() || is_super_admin() ) { return $can; } $user_id = get_current_user_id(); // How many galleries? $allowed_gallery_count = 1; // 0 = no restriction. if ( ! $allowed_gallery_count ) { // No restrictions when someone sets it to zero zero. return $can; } // only limit if crossed the limit. if ( mpp_get_user_gallery_count( $user_id ) >= $allowed_gallery_count ) { $can = false; } return $can; } add_filter( ‘mpp_user_can_create_gallery’, ‘mpp_custom_limit_gallery_creation’, 10, 3 ); /** * Filter on the media upload permission. * * @param bool $can can create. * @param string $component component name. * @param string $component_id component id. * @param MPP_Gallery $gallery gallery object. * * @return bool */ function mpp_custom_limit_media_upload( $can, $component, $component_id, $gallery ) { // non logged in user’s don’t have permissions and admin’s don’t have restrictions. if ( ! is_user_logged_in() || is_super_admin() ) { return $can; } $user_id = get_current_user_id(); // How Many media is allowed? $allowed_media_count = 2; // 0 = no limit. if ( ! $allowed_media_count ) { // No restrictions when zero. return $can; } // only limit if crossed the limit. if ( mpp_get_user_media_count( $user_id ) >= $allowed_media_count ) { $can = false; } return $can; } add_filter( ‘mpp_user_can_upload’, ‘mpp_custom_limit_media_upload’, 10, 4 );”

    What have I to do?

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    MargaritaS on in reply to: [Resolved] Admin upload photos in user's profile #10938

    Thank you very muchhhhh Brajesh! You are a crack!

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    MargaritaS on in reply to: [Resolved] What is orphaned media? #10937

    Thank you very much Brajesh!

    I do not have your emails i spam folder 🙁

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    Sorry, the message in spanish is not for this post. Is an error.

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    ¿Me puedes decir tú el código y dónde debería colocarlo, por favor?

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    Hi Brajesh.

    I put in “No” the option that users can reporter the photos, and it not works, under the photos continuing appear the botton “report”.

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    I have done another test, now it works. The emails are sended.

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    MargaritaS on in reply to: "BuddyPress Deactivate Account" email notification #10904

    I have asked to plugin developer WP Change Default From Email plugin, but they have not answer me 🙁