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    NikB on in reply to: BuddyBlog Pro Posts Layout – 2 #47396

    Thank you so much Brajesh. That works perfectly.

    With regard to filtering out past dates, I completely understand this is outside of your scope but wonder if you could possibly just point me in the right direction with a simpler example eg. let’s say I wanted to only show posts from a particular category on a profile…

    I came across a snippet you’d posted here – https://buddydev.com/snippets/projects/buddyblog/ which seems to do just that but it uses the hook buddyblog_show_posts_on_profile which doesn’t seem to exist in BuddyBlog Pro or BuddyBlog Groups. Is there a similar hook I could use to add a filter to personal and group profiles?

    Or perhaps I should edit the relevant templates (eg. posts.php) and somehow filter that instead?


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    NikB on in reply to: BuddyBlog Pro Posts Layout – 2 #47394

    PS. I had a better look at your code and I can see that the reason it’s only working on group profiles is presumably because it’s using the bbl_groups_pre_container_contents hook. Is there a similar hook I can use for personal profiles?

    And could I also use the same hooks to add my own filter ie. to filter out past events?

    With many thanks again and will look forward to hearing from you.

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    NikB on in reply to: BuddyBlog Pro Posts Layout – 2 #47390

    Hi Brajesh

    Thank you so much for getting back to me on this.

    I’ve now tested and can advise as follows –

    Group Profile – issue seems to be fixed here ie. only the relevant group events are shown.
    Personal Profile – still seem to have a problem here as events tab is showing both personal AND group events of which the user is the author

    In addition to the above, I have a couple of queries as follows –

    Is there any way of screening out past events from the tabs? (Events Manager handles this for their own BuddyPress tabs but presumably we’re now removing that filter so is there a way of adding it back in?)

    Will the code you have provided affect the Events Manager calendar, especially with regard to searches etc?

    With many thanks again… this is definitely a step in the right direction but still not quite there yet.

    Warm regards

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    NikB on in reply to: BuddyBlog Pro Posts Layout – 2 #47380
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    NikB on in reply to: BuddyBlog Pro Posts Layout – 2 #47251

    Hi Brajesh

    Thank you again.

    1. I will certainly see if I can get any reply from the EM team but just to make sure I am asking the right questions, can you possibly confirm my understanding that BuddyBlog Pro is creating a custom query and loop but EM is somehow overriding that and what I’m looking for is a way to remove their scope entirely?

    2. If that’s not possible,would an alternative approach be to use either pre_get_posts or possibly em_events_build_sql_conditions filters to add in the necessary conditions required by BuddyBlog Pro or perhaps there is some reason why that’s not a practical/advisable method?

    I really do appreciate your patience with this. It’s a dealbreaker for this project so just have to get it working somehow 😉


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    NikB on in reply to: BuddyBlog Pro Posts Layout – 2 #47247

    Hi again Brajesh

    From further research, it seems that em_content_pre only works for Events Manager’s pre-assigned pages so I thought I’d take a look to see if I could get pre_get_posts to work instead. On that basis, I came up with the following code to exclude group events from appearing on the user profile events tab as follows –

    function my_exclude_groups ( $q ) {
     //   if ( still need to add criteria to make sure we're on the right page ) {
            $meta_query = [
                'relation' => 'or',
                'key'     => '_group_id',
    			'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS',]
            $q->set('meta_query', $meta_query );
     //   }
    add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'my_exclude_groups' ); 

    This feels like a convoluted way of doing things ie. if I’m understanding correctly, Events Manager is overriding the BuddyBlog Pro filter and I’m then needing add that back into the query, but it does seem to be working so far at least. Would you agree this is an appropriate approach?

    With very many thanks in advance.

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    NikB on in reply to: BuddyBlog Pro Groups tabs #47244

    Hi Brajesh

    Further testing, all with new posts.

    Standard post type posts – all activity entries are correct regardless of whether posts are created in the dashboard, from user profile or from group profile.

    Event post type – regardless of whether posts are created in the dashboard, from user profile OR from group profile, I am getting TWO activity entries as follows –

    “Nik added the event My Event Name (to the Group Name – if posted in group)”
    “Nik posted a new post”

    It’s obviously the second entry above that seems to be the issue. It has no link and also refers to the entry as a “post” when it’s actually an “event”.

    Checking in the bp_activity table, shows the following data for the second entry –

    Component: blogs
    Type: new_event
    Action: Nik posted a new post.

    Hope this helps and makes sense.

  • Participant
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    NikB on in reply to: BuddyBlog Pro Posts Layout – 2 #47240

    Hi Brajesh

    Thank you again.

    Based on what you said, I’ve just done a bit of research myself and it looks as if possibly there is a filter ’em_content_pre’ which may work the way you suggest.

    There are some more details here… https://wp-events-plugin.com/tutorials/create-custom-event-information-pages/

    If I’m understanding correctly, I would need to check if the relevant tab is being loaded and then use that to apply a filter accordingly.

    Does that sound as if I’m on the right track?
