Hi Brajesh
It’s been a little while… wondering if you’d make any progress on the “likes” option 😉
Warm regards
NikkiHi Brajesh
Thank you for your reply. I actually thought I had used back ticks but fingers crossed will try again…
with many thanks in advance.
Nikki/* Keep pending pay by check members from showing up in the member directory. */ function my_pmpro_member_directory_sql($sqlQuery, $levels, $s, $pn, $limit, $start, $end, $order_by, $order) { global $wpdb; //only if pay by check is active if(!function_exists(‘pmprobpc_isMemberPending’)) return $sqlQuery; //find pending members to exclude them $pending_order_user_ids = $wpdb->get_col(“SELECT user_id FROM $wpdb->pmpro_membership_orders WHERE status = ‘pending’ GROUP BY user_id”); //check em $pending_users = array(); foreach($pending_order_user_ids as $user_id) { if(pmprobpc_isMemberPending($user_id)) $pending_users[] = $user_id; } //update query if(!empty($pending_users)) $sqlQuery = str_replace(“AND mu.membership_id”, “AND u.ID NOT IN(” . implode(“,”, $pending_users) . “) AND mu.membership_id”, $sqlQuery); return $sqlQuery; } add_filter(‘pmpro_member_directory_sql’, ‘my_pmpro_member_directory_sql’, 10, 9);
Hi Brajesh
Thank you for your reply and yes… I can well imagine the issue you describe.
It’s something I’d love to be able to implement within the next month or so, as a couple of users have already requested it as an option, although as it’s an “enhancement” rather than a serious issue, it’s not TOO time critical.
I guess if you said it would likely be available within the next 2 – 3 months, I could wait a little longer… although if it’s likely to be more than that, not a major issue, but I might look around at what else is available in the meantime 😉
Warm regards
NikkiPS. Off-topic, but you don’t have a paid memberships plug-in at all do you? I think I’ve tested most of the big players I’ve come across and can’t say I’m 100% happy with any of them 😉
Thank you again @Brajesh and will look forward to hearing from you.
Warm regards
NikkiHi Brajesh
Just wondering if there’s any news on those notifications yet? 😉
Warm regards
NikkiHi Brajesh
Thank you for letting me know. I can well imagine the new release of Buddypress has added to your workload and will look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Warm regards
NikkiHi Brajesh
Thank you so much for keeping me updated and that’s absolutely fine of course.
Will look forward to seeing it due course.
Warm regards
NikkiMany thanks @Brajesh. I’ll have another look at the gallery side of things when I have a moment.
As for the commenting, I think I need to re-assess exactly which comments we need or don’t. I’ve seen the issue of commenting in the lightbox and/or activity stream and/or on the media itself has been raised before and whilst I can see the logic in why it works the way it does, I also need to assess exactly what feels logical for the users in this case! Your code will definitely point me in the right direction though so many thanks for that.
Do hope work is going well on the notifications/emails… I don’t think any of my users have noticed they’re not currently receiving them for lightbox comments, but no doubt, some of them will eventually. I’ll look forward to hearing from you on that one in due course 😉
Warm regards
NikkiAs mentioned above, you are more than welcome to get in touch @Brajesh 😉
Although I have now successfully switched to Mediapress on the particular site I was working on, I have kept a backup copy prior to conversion, so could always use that to test any code you come up with.
I’ll mark this as resolved now but feel free to contact me any time.
Warm regards
NikkiPS. I’ve just discovered how flexible the gallery shortcode is, so that’s fine for my purposes for now (although if there’s any documentation with regard to how templating works generally with Mediapress, that would be useful for future reference.)
Main outstanding items… how to prevent nested comments, and those notifictions/emails 😉
Warm regards