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    Thanks Brajesh for your attention. Apology is all mine. The short answer to 1. is yes:

    a) with the code you provided to another user (referenced above) assign the category (same as Group name) to the post from that group

    b) allow the user to select a term from a taxonomy (in this case “levels”).

    I’ll try to break things down in segments – perhaps it would make more sense to see the whole picture.

    Out of the box Blog Categories for Groups, as one of the steps of group creation, allows selection of categories and custom taxonomies (as set in the settings for allowed taxonomies) to be presented to user when they create a new post from a group. This works well but not what I need (see below).

    A special need is solved with the code you provided to another user (referenced above) to assign automatically the category same as the group name – this works also well and this is what I needed. With this code in place, however, the terms of an allowed custom taxonomy selected in the settings (in this case “levels” – in addition to the automatically assigned category) do not appear in the post for user selection as they do out of the box. This is the only issue that I am trying to emphasize. In other words, I need the terms of a selected taxonomy to be presented to the user creating a post for selection as check boxes analogous to adding the snippet http://pastebin.com/qL6Fm0Re to form.php

    Is this possible or should I resort back to hard-coding form.php?


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    Thanks Brajesh Sir, not sure exactly what you mean by that. Let me put it the way I understand it. Using the above referenced code the category is automatically assigned to the post so there is no need for user intervention (in fact I may hide the category by css). The custom taxonomy is commonly a short list of terms for user to choose from as check boxes and it is always the same across all groups (choose university levels 1 through 5). I hope this answers your question.

    Many thanks,

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    Thank you Brajesh for your kind reply. I see now what you mean. This is a manual step to select desired custom taxonomies at Group creation (or after group creation by selecting “manage” while in the group and selecting Group Categories). BUT this is not possible when using the code(5+1 sections) you provided (as per post: https://buddydev.com/support/forums/topic/blog-categories-for-groups-auto-creating-selecting-cats-for-groups/). When using it with that customization (which is exactly what I need) the step for selecting the custom taxonomies is hidden from Group creation and selecting “manage” after the group creation. So, this is where I get stuck.

    Is there a way to have all terms of an “allowed” custom taxonomy to be displayed for selection by user while creating a post from a group?

    I had that working on previous versions of Blog Categories and Simple Front End Post albeit with a lot of customization of core files (which is not a good practice).

    For example this is just one snippet put in form.php in previous versions which did the trick for displaying all terms of custom taxonomy “levels”: http://pastebin.com/qL6Fm0Re

    As to the Anonymous code: I myself came up with the weird way of temporarily assigning edit capability for others posts and then removing that capability. I thought by sharing that you may have a more elegant way of doing that. But if it is fine I’ll leave it as that.

    Many thanks again for all your expert advice and help all along.

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    Realizing your busy just following up to see if version of 1.2.4 of Blog Categories for Groups was supposed to have fixed the issue of custom taxonomies not displaying. I still encounter the issue with this version and I wonder if perhaps I am doing something wrong.

    Many thanks, Ada

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    Thank you for following up. Here’s a new link for anonymous: http://pastebin.com/yHUZer1T

    As to the the content relative to the discussion of #post-3057 it is the exact copy and paste of what you suggested in that post.

    Many thanks again.

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    Hi Brajesh,

    Thank you very much for your reply. I’ll wait for the plugin update.

    I also see that the pastebin you requested as a history for the original anonymous code you provided has now expired. Do you want me to re-instate the link?

    Many thanks.

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    Thanks Brajesh for staying on top of things. Just wondering if you had a chance to look at these issues?

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    Thank you very much Brajesh for your kind assistance. To rule out any other plugin conflict I installed the updated plugins on fresh WP/BP installation with only necessary plugins the theme requires. The issue persists. As you asked I have the content of the bp-custom.php here: http://pastebin.com/5i0X8cbr

    And yes, please the anonymous post is very important to me and have had some issues with it as well as described here: http://pastebin.com/5ic4DJr2

    Many thanks.

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    Actually never mind. The version in question was not properly showing (partial ftp transfer issue). Removed and re-installed v1.0.1 and see no errors. Thanks you.