Hello Brajesh Singh, thanks for the reply and the welcome message.
I appreciate the info, I believe it will get me going a great deal.
I however have concern as regards features and customization;
I have actually been searching endlessly for well suitable theme that will serve the business purpose of the website. I will be so grateful for any insights that would help.You mentioned about custom implementation. My greatest challenge so far is being able to configure the registration form in such a way, that I will be able to define the sections of form types with custom text and settings. e.g, change the details that will be included in the forms for Investors/Entrepreneurs, and allow them to also include special features/details of their company and stuffs on their profiles.
Once again, thanks for the info, and the support. Additional support will be well appreciated.
Hello Brajesh Singh (@sbrajesh), I hope you re still following this post? Create project based site with buddypress. I really need your help on this too, and I must admit, I am a green on in this aspect. Please is there any way you can help out with the detailed steps?
I have come a long way to get to this post.
Your mentor-ship will be extremely appreciated.