


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24784
    Brajesh Singh on in reply to: [Resolved] BuddyBlog Pro – Post Visibility issues #51753

    Hi Tamar,
    Thank you.
    I am glad it worked as expected.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24784

    Hi Peter,
    Thank you for the kind words. You are very generous!
    I am happy to be of assistance!

    I will let you know when we update Community builder for BP 12+ (currently works but needs BP Classic).

    Thank you for considering to renew your plugin purchase. You may renew it from the plugin page when your membership expires.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24784
    Brajesh Singh on in reply to: Featured member plugin – add extra filter option(s) #51742

    Hi Melanie,
    Hope you are doing well.

    I am sorry that we could not assist you earlier. Ravi had assigned it to me but I missed.

    First of all, I would like to clarify that your use case has no relation to Featured members. Are you able to achieve it for default BuddyBoss members directory? I don’t believe that the above snippet would work.

    You can limit/filter using ‘xprofile_query’ for profile fields. It works similar to the meta_query args in WP_Query.(e.g you can pass multi dimensional array of field, comparison operators,

    The problem is BuddyBoss does not support xprofile_query in the bp_has_members() (BuddyPress does). So your code needs fine tuning at 2 places.
    1. We will hook to bp_core_get_users() and
    2. we will update your function to use xprofile_query

    Here is the updated code from your example(Your first part is fine for adding filter, It is the logic part).

    // Function to modify the members query based on the selected filter
    function modify_members_query_for_only_a( $query_args ) {
    	$type = $query_args['type'];
    	if ( $type === 'only_a' ) {
    		$query_args['xprofile_query'] = array(
    				'field'   => '1',
    				'compare' => 'RLIKE',
    				'value'   => '^a'
    		//$query_args['field_id'] = '1'; // Adjust 'field_1' to the actual first name field key
    		//$query_args['meta_value'] = 'A%';
    	return $query_args;
    // Hook to apply the filter to the members query
    //add_filter( 'bp_after_has_members_parse_args', 'modify_members_query_for_only_a' );
    add_filter( 'bp_after_core_get_users_parse_args', 'modify_members_query_for_only_a' );

    I have left the old parts to show you the change.

    Please give it a try and let me know if it works for you or not?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24784

    Thank you for your patience.

    There is a possibility of adding limited support as wpDiscuzz is using WordPress comments internally.

    We can exclude the blocked users when a comment list is being fetched and the user will not see comments from the users they block.

    There are 2 issues though:-

    1. It will lead to a broken experience for comment(e.g missing context in threaded comments)
    2. I am not sure how the wpDiscuzz BuddyPress integration will behave as that is a paid plugin.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24784
    Brajesh Singh on in reply to: Buddyblog Pro – add/remove visibility option #51740

    Hi Tosin,
    Thank you.

    I do not see a clean way to support custom visibility for posts, at least which are limited to a certain group of people. If we do so, we need to consider privacy in activity as well and BuddyPress lacks custom privacy.

    It is not difficult to limit a posts visibility to certain groups, It is the other consideration that complicate it.

    I am sorry but we do not plan to add any custom visibility in the plugin itself. Once BuddyPress adds follower support, we can supply you with some code to enable follower in the drop down. But marking a post as follower only will mean the activity entry for it will be set to hidden and I am not sure what will happen with the activity entry of blog comments for those posts.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24784
    Brajesh Singh on in reply to: [Resolved] Group Activities Notifier on my server #51738

    Hi Occhi,
    Please share your BuddyPress/BuddyBoss version.

    I had a look and I see that we are using pre BP 4.0 code where activity_id was not available, so that output is normal.

    It is probably this line

    $activity_id = bp_activity_get_activity_id( $params );


    if ( apply_filters( 'bp_local_group_notifier_skip_notification', false, $activity ) ) {
    			return;// do not notify.

    is failing.

    I thought about it and remembered that you had requested for limiting whose activity will trigger notification.

    Is there any chance that you posted as a non group admin/mod.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24784

    Hi Peter,
    Thank you.

    This is a problem with the recent BP Rewrites and there is not much we can do in Profile Tabs Pro to solve it due to the dynamic nature of tab/slugs.

    Yes, there is a way to create dynamic url.

    Suppose, a user profile page on your site is http://example.com/members/your-user-name/ and a tab is http://example.com/members/your-user-name/tab-slug/

    We can replace the username part ‘your-user-name’ with ‘me’ and it will link to currently logged user’s profile.

    Here is the dynamic url for the same http://example.com/members/me/tab-slug/

    Please let me know if that works for you or not?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24784
    Brajesh Singh on in reply to: BuddyPress Non Editable Profile Fields some requests #51732

    Thank you for the reply.

    Please open a new topic and provide the following details:-
    1. Are you using BuddyPress or BuddyBoss?
    2. Which version of the plugin from your first answer are you you using?
    3. Which theme and template packs are you using?

    4. When dis the issue started showing? Did it happen after any update of your plugins/themes?
    5. Please provide the steps to re-create the issue.

    Thank you

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24784

    Hi Peter,
    I just replied to your mail.
    Here is the reply in case the mail got in spam.

    You can access the API keys from your BuddyDev account.
    Here is a direct link.

    The API keys are used to authenticate your plugin updates for the premium plugins.

    Please make sure to use the API key and update the profile tabs pro in next 2 days and the access to upgrade will expire after that.

    For MediaPress, Please install BP Classic plugin. That will make it work with BP 12.0.

    Please let me know if you have any questions or face any further issues.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24784

    You are welcome.
    I am glad it worked!
