Actually, as it stands, it seems just that alone was good enough for our needs since we do not use any of the BuddyBoss forms to handle post uploading or editing. That indeed fixed the issue we were having
Our slugs for the tab and sub tabs are mygarden, mymedic, myposts, mytrades. Each tab has a subtab with the same name.
We are creating the post using ACF front end in an elementor template. The create a post page is a sub-tab using the profile tab plugin- which links to an ACF front end form with all of our custom fields, instead of using the buddyblog forms. We simply use BuddyBlog to display the authors archives posts, and the single post viewed in the profile
I have tried having create posts enabled and disabled in BuddyBlog
I have given the sub-tab a different slug other than create thinking perhaps there was a conflict there but with the same result. I have also tried using create (as that’s what we would like)As for Elelementor, what I would to do is use the CPT template we are using with elementor- but display it as the single post page form the buddy press menu. For instance we would liek to change this single post template to use the elementor one we have created instead. We have about 30 custom fields for journal entries and use elementor to display all the data in a friendly way.
Being able to change the template to our liking is a must in 2021 imo. We have noticed that we can change the template in buddyboss-theme/buddyblog/buddyboss/default/single.php but are unsure how to insert the shortcode due to being php newbs. Native support for builders like this would be a very nice addition.
ACF actually allows the use of checkboxes, single select drop-down, multiple select, and radios. so seeing this with buddyblog would be amazing.
also, is there a way to change the single post template to work with elementor templates? my boss has been making us get this to work, and we are having a hard time. The template for default posts is okay at best with our buddyboss theme so we would like to spice things up with a builder. any input on how to make this work?