


  • Participant
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    Talvinder Singh on #25690

    WPLMS has a popup feature via the vibethemes content type, but I am not sure if it is magnific popup.

    Regarding the unexpected token –

    On the activity page, the unexpected token is pointing to the 404 page, line 2. I went to 404 page and checked its console as well, it had the same error pointing to line 2 of index file though.

    Check the screenshots:

    The error is due to the <!Doctype… declared in line 2 – which doesn’t seem to be an issue that can prohibit lightbox. If it was that serious an issue, it should have stopped a lot of other plugins to work as well.

  • Participant
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    Talvinder Singh on #25688

    Hi Brajesh

    The errors are harmless font not loading errors. There was one error coming from a plugin (which doesn’t break anything on the site). I have disabled that plugin as well.

    You will see, 3-4 font not loading errors. I don’t think they can contribute to lightbox not loading.

    In the settings, I have enabled the lightbox but if you inspect an image element, I see mpp-no-lightbox as a class in the image element – could be the reason?

  • Participant
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    Talvinder Singh on #25686
    This reply has been marked as private.
  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
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    Talvinder Singh on #25685

    Hi brajesh

    You can check the site here – https://stg1.pragmaticleaders.io/activity/

    I am sharing the credentials in a private reply.