


  • Participant
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    Tosin on in reply to: Buddypress anonymous activity support #25427

    Yes perfect just like how it’s displayed in the comments. Hope to get the update as soon.

    Thanks a lot

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    Tosin on in reply to: Buddypress anonymous activity support #25425

    Yes you are correct this is my screenshot https://imgur.com/k3D2Coq

    But I don’t want the “The actual name” to be shown at all only – post as “Anonymous” but with the input type should be a checkbox and not a radio select

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    Tosin on in reply to: Buddypress anonymous activity support #25423

    Check this out https://m.imgur.com/a/9RkxEBL

    Example is from ask.fm

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    Tosin on in reply to: Buddypress anonymous activity support #25421

    OK thanks can anything be done about the display in the status box

    It currently is displayed like this on the status form

    Post as: Anonymous UserABC

    I want it to display like this using either a toggle button or checkbox

    Post as: Anonymous

    Without the displaying UserABC


  • Participant
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    Tosin on in reply to: Buddypress anonymous activity support #25409

    It is displayed like this on the wall

    Post as: Anonymous UserABC

    I want it to display like this using either a toggle button or checkbox

    Post as: Anonymous

    Without the displaying UserABC

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    I found this code and was wondering if it can be modified to work with (https://wordpress.org/plugins/accesspress-anonymous-post/)

    * Limit User to One Submission Per Time Period
    * http://gravitywiz.com/2012/04/25/limit-user-to-one-submission-per-time-period/
    // update the "5" to your form ID
    add_action('gform_pre_render_5', 'gform_limit_submissions');
    function gform_limit_submissions($form){
        global $wpdb;
        $limit_message = 'You may only submit this form once every 24 hours.';
        $limit_time = 86400; // must be specified in seconds; 86400 seconds is equal to 24 hours
        /* You do not need to edit below this line */
        $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
        $last_submission = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT date_created FROM {$wpdb->prefix}rg_lead WHERE created_by = %d and form_id = %d ORDER BY date_created DESC", $current_user->ID, $form['id']));
            return $form;
        $time_out = strtotime($last_submission) + $limit_time;
        $current_time = time();
        if($current_time > $time_out)
            return $form;
        $is_submit = rgpost("is_submit_{$form['id']}");
        if(!$is_submit) {
            add_filter('gform_get_form_filter', create_function('', "return '<div class=\"limit-message\">$limit_message</div>';") );
        return $form; 

    I got this code from https://gravitywiz.com/limit-user-to-one-submission-per-time-period/

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    Tosin on in reply to: [Resolved] Branded login support for logout redirect #24381

    Thanks a lot for the feed back your code worked perfectly.

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    Tosin on in reply to: Branded login support #23866


    How can I add a loading spinning icon to the login button and the register link when both have been clicked upon on the branded login plugin. Users need to know that the login process has been initiated and is currently loading.


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    Tosin on in reply to: Request for password on account deletion #23863

    Yes that is ok, but can you also pitch the idea to the core buddypress developers maybe this feature can be integrated into the future core versions of buddypress.


  • Participant
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    Tosin on in reply to: Request for password on account deletion #23789

    This password confirmation field is currently available in settings > general to change new email or password.

    This feature could be helpful in various situations like logging in to buddypress account on a public cafe or laptop and forgetting to logout and another person(evil for unknown reasons) decides to delete your account, the password confirmation can prevent this.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Tosin.