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    Joseph Cordova on #6832

    The test would have to be done on mobile to see the problem. When this plugin is downloaded it makes some of the other buttons not work. The Comment and/or delete button stops functioning. It does work fine on desktop but the problem is with mobile devices.

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    Joseph Cordova on #6796

    Thank you Brajesh

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    Joseph Cordova on #6601

    Hello Brajesh

    I’m still waiting to here from my theme developer on the count. Also Does the plugin “Activity Reactions for Buddypress? work well with Mediapress? I’ve been having some issues with it.

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    Joseph Cordova on #6418

    Yes after disabling that plugin the login/redirect works. What can I do now to have both of these plugins work together?

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    Joseph Cordova on #5902

    I uploaded the taxonomy post list and nothing is happening. I want to get a display of all the categories.

  • Participant
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    Joseph Cordova on #5889

    It totally worked thank you. Now I just need help setting up something that will show all the posts by category? Also how can I get the users profile avatar to show next to the post?

    Thank you