


  • Participant
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    wingflap on #51304

    I added ” or ” right after the tag in the ‘Cancel’ link to make the links make more sense.

                    <a class="mpp-lightbox-media-action-link mpp-lightbox-edit-media-cancel-link" href="#" data-mpp-media-id="<?php mpp_media_id();?>"><?php _ex('Cancel', 'lightbox edit media cancel action label', 'mediapress' );?></a> or 
    			<?php endif;?>

    This seems to work with the exception of creating a new CSS class for the “View Original” link.

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    wingflap on #51301

    I updated media-info.php in my theme folder with the following changes to add a View Original link next to the conditional edit/cancel link. It seems to work fine. The only thing I didn’t do yet was to add a css class for the new link. Here it the code for the top row with my changes within the comments for it toward the bottom.

    <div class="mpp-lightbox-media-uploader-meta mpp-clearfix">
    	<div class="mpp-lightbox-media-uploader-avatar">
    		<a href="<?php echo bp_core_get_user_domain( mpp_get_media_creator_id() ); ?>">
    			<?php echo bp_core_fetch_avatar( array(
    				'item_id' => mpp_get_media_creator_id(),
    				'object'  => 'user',
    				'width'   => bp_core_avatar_thumb_width(),
    				'height'  => bp_core_avatar_thumb_height(),
    			) ); ?>
    	<div class="mpp-lightbox-uploader-upload-details">
    		<div class="mpp-lightbox-uploader-link">
    			<?php echo bp_core_get_userlink( mpp_get_media_creator_id() ); ?>
            <span class="mpp-lightbox-upload-time">
                <a href="<?php mpp_media_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( mpp_get_media_title() ); ?>"
                    <?php echo bp_core_time_since( mpp_get_media_date_created( null, 'Y-m-d H:i:s', false ) ); ?>
    		<div class="mpp-lightbox-action-links">
    			<?php do_action( 'mpp_lightbox_media_action_before_link', $media );?>
    			<?php if ( mpp_user_can_edit_media( mpp_get_media_id() ) ) : ?>
                    <a class="mpp-lightbox-media-action-link mpp-lightbox-edit-media-link" href="#" data-mpp-media-id="<?php mpp_media_id();?>"><?php _ex('Edit', 'lightbox edit media edit action label', 'mediapress' );?> </a>
                    <a class="mpp-lightbox-media-action-link mpp-lightbox-edit-media-cancel-link" href="#" data-mpp-media-id="<?php mpp_media_id();?>"><?php _ex('Cancel', 'lightbox edit media cancel action label', 'mediapress' );?></a>
    			<?php endif;?>
    <! -- added link to View Original image page next to the conditional 'edit' button -->
                <a href="<?php mpp_media_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( mpp_get_media_title() ); ?>"
                   class="mpp-lightbox-single-photo">View Original
    <! -- end of --added link to View Original image page next to the conditional 'edit' button -->
    			<?php do_action( 'mpp_lightbox_media_action_after_link', $media );?>
    </div><!--end of the top row -->

    I did it this way instead of adding another row so as to not mess up the alignment in the lightbox.

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    wingflap on #51299

    I am currently using the BP Classic plugin, but am not seeing a gallery page that’s created for BuddyPress. That’s why I’m using a custom page with the gallery shortcode. With theh BP Classic plugin, should I be seeing a gallery page or do I just continue with the shortcode page until MediaPress is compatible with BuddyPress 12?

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    wingflap on #51287

    I’m using BuddyX theme, BuddyPress, and MediaPress. Before BuddyPress upgraded to 12.0, I thought that it created a Gallery page that would display the gallery index. After upgrading to 12.0, I can’t seem to find it. That’s why I created a page with a shortcode. Am I missing something or is using a shortcode on a custom page the way to display sitewide galleries now?

    This would affect which of the above methods I’d use to change the gallery names.

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    wingflap on #51286

    I’d suggest putting the “View Original” link under the date/time (which would be the same link as “View Original”).

    Under the date/time is the “edit” link (for admins) to edit the title and description. I’d suggest right next to the edit link. If the user is not admin (or capable of editing the title and description), then, conditionally, the edit button would not show and it would just be the “View Original” link.

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    wingflap on #51252


  • Participant
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    wingflap on #51195

    As per your response in the other topic:

    The editing issue seems like a but bug with BP 12.0 compatibility.

    We will push an update next week for the BP 12.0 compatibility. For the time being, Please use it with BP 11.4 or try BP classic addon to see if it works.


    I installed the BP Clasic plugin and it fixed the issue. I look forward to the BP 12.0 compatability upgrade.

    Thanks for all of your help!

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    wingflap on #51194

    Thanks. You can close the topic I just started with the edit issue or just respond there.

    But for this topic, I’d like to address this from above:

    Making the change made it so that in the Profile Gallery tab, the gallery names for Wall Gallery are being changed to include the member’s name.

    My Gallery page for the sitewide gallery is a page with the shortcode [mpp-list-gallery]. The gallery name’s are not changing on that page.

    Should I be using something else for my Gallery directory page?

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    wingflap on #51177

    Can’t figure out how to edit a post, so this is an extension of the one before. I’m finding that trying to edit a gallery or an individual picture redirects to a URL ending with /BP_member_profile_edit.

    From Profile gallery, If I click the image, I’m brought to the lightbox with the first image from the gallery showing (with arrows to scroll through the remainder of the gallery photos. Each photo has a link in the lightbox to EDIT. When clicked, the display in the lightbox expands to reveal a dropdown for Public/Private, a text box to edit the title and another to edit the description.

    From the Profile gallery, If I click the button that says “View”, I’m brought to the single photo page and can see the photo. If I click Edit, I’m brought to a page that ends /BP_member_profile_edit.

    I can’t figure out how to edit the picture’s Title, Description, and privacy settings from the regular page (as opposed to from the lightbox).

    I also can’t find a way to edit the Gallery’s name and description.

    Sorry if I’m being annoying.

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    wingflap on #51176

    I’ve also noticed that I can’t edit a gallery. Either from the sitewide gallery page or from the Profile/Gallery page. When I click on the Edit tab in the Profile Gallery, I see the tabbed profile menu. under that I see options: My Gallery | Create a Gallery Photo | Edit | Add Media. When I click Edit, I’m bought to a page with no content and a breadcrumb that reads: Your Galleries/Pete/Bp_member_profile_edit. There’s no way to edit anything at the gallery level.

    I would have created a new topic for this, but wasn’t sure if it’s related.