
BuddyDev Blog

Introducing BuddyPress Featured Members Plugin

Introducing BuddyPress Featured Members Plugin

BuddyPress featured Members plugin helps the site admins create/display list of featured members in various ways. Features:- Allows Site admin to mark a user as featured/remove from the list of featured members Featured Members can be displayed using Widget Featured members can be displayed using the shortcode Featured Members will be listed in the members directory …

Disable BuddyPress group deletion by Non Site Admin

We received this question from Andre? How would you disable the BuddyPress group deletion by group admins and only allow site admins to delete a group? I believe, It may be helpful for others, so posting the code here Disabling the delete option in the Group -> Manage screen:- function buddydev_disable_group_delete_by_non_site_admin() { if ( ! …

Creating a stunning WordPress Login Page with Community Builder Theme

Creating a stunning WordPress Login Page with Community Builder Theme

Flexibility and speed are the forte of the Community Builder theme for WordPress and BuddyPress. Today, I will show you the various ways to create an amazing login page for your WordPress/BuddyPress website. Requirements:- A working install of WordPress/BuddyPress Community Builder Theme for WordPress & BuddyPress Internet connection And some imagination! If you have looked …

Redirect Author Archive Page to BuddyPress User Profile

If you have enabled BuddyPress and want to redirect to user's profile when someone tries to access the author archive page, you can use the following code. function buddydev_author_redirect_to_profile() { if ( is_author() && function_exists( 'bp_core_redirect' ) ) { $author_id = get_queried_object_id(); bp_core_redirect( bp_core_get_user_domain( $author_id ) ); } } add_action( 'template_redirect', 'buddydev_author_redirect_to_profile' ); Isn't that …