Andrew Wayne commented on the blog post Using activity as wire in Buddypress 1.2 themes %s
wow very detailed Brajesh…thanks for this tutorial..appreciate it as always thanks!!
Andrew Wayne commented on the blog post Creating The sitewide global/unified search Page for your Buddypress Theme %s
can you help me with an example as to how i would do that and where to place it?
and would also like to let members search using an email address, how can i add that?
thanks as always Brajesh
hate to hear that people are stealing…Andrew Wayne commented on the blog post Creating The sitewide global/unified search Page for your Buddypress Theme %s
thanks for this Brajesh! just what i needed..very useful
one question, can it be customized to also show web results??
like if i search brajesh, it will show members called brajesh, forum posts by brajesh etc.. as it does now and…Andrew Wayne commented on the blog post Branded Login Plugin for your Buddypress Powered site %s
so cool thanks Brajesh!!!
exactly the two things i needed, custom login and a global search ..
wow Thanks alot Brajesh!!!!Andrew Wayne commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy theme for Buddypress 1.2 available now %s
Hi i noticed i cant comment on activity updates in the demo do i add this function?
thanksAndrew Wayne commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy theme for Buddypress 1.2 available now %s
thanks that works
Andrew Wayne commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy theme for Buddypress 1.2 available now %s
I am using bp-default theme, no backward compatibility plugin
does it work with bp-default??Andrew Wayne commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy theme for Buddypress 1.2 available now %s
im getting redirected to my home page whenever i click on do i fix this??
Andrew Wayne commented on the blog post Bp-gallery Beta available now, Download test and Enjoy %s
Hi Brajesh, do u accept any other payment options??
I would like to join but i do not have a PayPal a/c or credit card…do u accept moneybookers?Andrew Wayne commented on the blog post Bp-gallery Beta available now, Download test and Enjoy %s
Premium only
great work on getting the beta outAndrew Wayne commented on the blog post Bp-gallery status and current snapshots %s
This plugin is taking sure ur working hard on it Brajesh. Keep it up
Andrew Wayne commented on the blog post Bp Gallery: The ultimate photo gallery for your buddypress powered site %s
thats great! sounds good..keep up the great work..great features!
one more question, will this work for bp 1.2??
Andrew Wayne commented on the blog post Bp Gallery: The ultimate photo gallery for your buddypress powered site %s
Hi, When will this be ready? this is only for premium members??
Andrew Wayne commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy : The free theme to turn your buddypres to orkut style site %s
heey any updates on the theme?? good luck with those bugs
Andrew Wayne commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy : The free theme to turn your buddypres to orkut style site %s
i cant wait for this theme! just what iv been looking for! screenshots look good. nice work Brajesh, ive seen u around the buddypress forums..keep it up!
Andrew Wayne became a registered member 15 years, 3 months ago