

Disable Site Delete

Disable Site Delete

Disable Site plugin is a quick hack for WordPress Multisite Network. The goal of this plugin is:- Allow only Network administrators to delete any site(blog) on a multisite network Do…

WordPress Ban Registration Domain

WordPress Ban Registration plugin allows to ban user registrations from a domain by using domains or emails or  domain extensions. It works with WordPress, WordPress multisite, BuddyPress and Ultimate Member.…

WordPress S3 Slider Widget

WordPress S3 Slider Widget is a slideshow widget which allows you to showcase your posts in a nice slideshow. It uses the S3 slider*  jquery plugin with slight enhancement. A few…

Recently Updated Blogs Widget

The widget "Bpdev Recently Updated Blogs"  widgets allows site owners to show the most recently updated blogs on the wpmu blog network. You can customize the title of the widget…

Sitewide Footer Content

Sitewide Footer Content

Sitewide footer content plugin allows you to add text/script or anything in the footer of all the sites on a WordPress Multisite Network . What It Does Allows WordPress multisite…

Remove Blog Slug Plugin

Remove Blog Slug Plugin

Remove /blog slug plugin for wpmu allows you to remove /blog slug from the sub directory install of your wordpress mu or wordpress 3.0 multisite. In the sub directory style…

Recently Created Blogs Widget

Recently Created Blogs widget allows siteadmins to show the most recently created blogs on a wordpress multisite & BuddyPress Network. This plugin is for WordPress multisite and works with/without BuddyPress.