bbPress Notify Admins
bbPress Notify Admins plugin notifies site admins on new forum topic/replies made on a bbPress based forum. The goal of this plugin is to help site admins provide a better…
bbPress Notify Admins plugin notifies site admins on new forum topic/replies made on a bbPress based forum. The goal of this plugin is to help site admins provide a better…
BuddyDev Dashboard plugin enables automatic upgrade for all of BuddyDev plugins & themes. We recommend you to install it and keep it always activated on your site if you are…
BuddyPress Xprofile Member Type Field plugin allows site admins to use BuddyPress member type as profile field. It lest user choose their member type and the updates user's member type…
BuddyPress Member Type Generator plugin allows you to create and manage member types easily from the dashboard on your BuddyPress based social network. It also allows you to bulk change/update…
WordPress User Login Notifier plugin notifies users and admin on a WordPress site about failed or successful logins. Who gets message can be customized from admin settings. Features:- Notify site…
Do you want to stop your users from editing BuddyPress profile fields? BuddyPress Non Editable Profile Fields plugin allows site admins to mark a profile field non editable. Once a profile…
BuddyPress Force profile Photo plugin forces users on a BuddyPress site to upload a profile photo before they can use any feature of the site. It's simple and effective. It…
BuddyPress Notify Post Author on Blog Comment plugin notifies the author of a blog post of any new comment on his/her post using the BuddyPress notification. It makes the comment…
Conditional Profile Fields for BuddyPress plugin allows site admins to set conditions for the hiding/showing profile fields based on the various data entered by the user. This plugin is most…
BuddyPress Lock Unlock activity plugin allows users to lock/open their activity for commenting. A user can mark any activity as closed and no one will be able to comment on…
BP Poke plugin allows your users to poke each others just like facebook. If you are a fan of poking, here we have the poking plugin available for you today.…
BuddyPress Signup Avatar plugin allows users to upload profile pic/avatar after completing registration on BuddyPress based sites. Screenshots:- After registration completion screen:- Avatar Crop Screen And here is the screenshot…