

Ajax Registration plugin

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #1210

    Hi John,
    Thank you.

    There are a few things I wanted to let you know.
    1. BuddyPress Recaptch 1.2 is available now. After upgrading, make sure to delete your old keys and generate keys for Recaptcha version 2 (Site Key/Private Key). Hardeep forgot to mention it on the plugin, I will advise him on this today.

    2. The new version of BuddyPress recaptch needs PHP 5.3 or above.

    3. Please upgrade to BuddyPress Ajax Registration plugin 1.2.1 . It enables the recaptch plugin js loading on all non logged in pages. I have added a hook in Recaptch plugin, so by default, the Recaptch js is only loaded on Registration pages but other plugins can enable it on any page. We need it on all pages when user is not logged in. The Ajax registration plugin uses that hook.

    Also, BuddyPress Ajax registration version 1.2.1 adds support for the Live Username checking if you have BuddyDev Username Availability checker installed.


    Please try it and let me know if it works for you or not?

    Thank you

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    John Hollingsworth on #1234

    Hello Brajesh.
    Thank you for all your development work on this. I followed all the steps above and deleted, then created new captcha keys – there is still something not working on the ajax form. The form does not get submitted, also the captcha code is not working either. Sorry to be a pain. Please look and try to register on matchingplayers.com.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #1252

    Hi John,
    I am sorry for the trouble. Did you update Ajax registration plugin? Older version will not show any captach due to some changes in Recaptcha plugin and it needs the newer version.

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    John Hollingsworth on #1253

    Hi Brajesh.

    Yes, I removed all the files from the old plugin, then re-installed the new updated plugin.
    Do you need to log in to see?


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    John Hollingsworth on #1261

    Hi again Brajesh.

    I also found out that the ajax form doesnt autocomplete in the City location field after I activated a WP GEO Xprofile plugin. For now I have reverted back to the default Buddypress registration form and used a different security checker instead of captcha. I think I am using too many plugins for everything to sync well together, creating also of extra development work for you. Thank you for your time and support and your new updated plugin. What I am trying to achieve is a nice front end look and feel to the members pages, registration and activity, instead of the default Buddypress pages, which I wanted to smarten up a bit. I will work on the CSS of these php pages and see how I go.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #1262

    Hi John,
    I am sorry for the trouble.

    Here is a screenshot to show how it should look like with the captcha plugin.


    I am still not sure why It is not working. Please let me know when you re enable these plugins and I can test.

    About field auto completion, seems like they have bound to the element on document ready using the bind. If they can use “on” or event delegation to bind the auto suggestion action, It will work.

    The form is not present in dom and is injected when you click on the link, so any event already bound will not work.

    If a plugin author uses event delegation( using delegate/on methods of jquery and binds to document), They will be available here.

    The plugin seems premium, so I may not be of much help there but if it is a free plugin please point me and I will certainly help in getting it work with ajax registration.

    Thank you

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    John Hollingsworth on #1329

    Hi Brajesh. The plugin was premium, so they may assist further in this. i will let you know if I enable it again.
    Many thanks for your help

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    samir bajaj on #1613

    how do you use your form without being a programmer. I have installed the plugin but dont know where to go to configure it meaning required fields and how to display on home page.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #1615

    Hi Samir,
    I have created a separate topic for you here

    Can you please provide me details there. There is no need to be a developer to use this plugin.

    Thank you

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    samir bajaj on #1636

    Brijesh you said your plugin does not work with sweetdate but JOhn here is using your plugin. Please advise

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