

Buddyblog Pro – Beta Version

  • Participant
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    Bruno Verrier on #32368

    From previous thread :

    Bruno said:
    as I am trying to underestand the basics of the plugin here are some suggestions.

    Form editor Custom fields #content :
    – Add a “Edit” option too (not delete only)
    – Add an option to display or not fields labels
    – As mentionned before add optional text area to display help messages for users
    – Add possibility to indicate how many images/files users can upload
    – Add possibility to attach a css file to each form. (If I create more than on CPT, I would like to customize their lok and feel upon their objectives/goals.)

    – It’s OK to leave one save button at the bottom with a little practice we get used to it

    – How to access/display taxonomies
    – Where to set up taxonomies? (if not CPTUI) in function.php files?

    Thanks again for this really great and neat job. This could be a very good Buddypress plugin for sure!

    Brajesh said:
    Thank you for your questions/suggestions. Here is my view on them.

    1 – Add a ‘Edit’ option too (not delete only) :-
    At the moment, It is not worth it. Editing is same as recreating a field with same. It may be a nuisance for complex fields but is not an essential item on our list. We will be reconsidering it once BuddyBlog goes stable.

    2. – Add an option to display or not fields labels:-
    Please share an example. If no hint is provided, how will it be useful?

    3. – As mentionned before add optional text area to display help messages for users
    Sure. I will be adding it in next update.

    4. – Add possibility to indicate how many images/files users can upload
    We don’t have bulk image option. The file upload handles single uploads. So, each field you add handles only 1 media.

    5. – Add possibility to attach a css file to each form. (If I create more than on CPT, I would like to customize their lok and feel upon their objectives/goals.)


    Technically You can use the normal WordPress template tag to access theme. I have been working on provide a way for modifying the template using shortcodes for these. Please wait fro Monday’s update. I may have a better way to handle it out of the box.

    To be honest, showing the custom field data and taxonomies information in the template is the only real challenge I am facing with BuddyBlog. We do not want to force admins to modify template and I am not seeing a simple way to handle it.
    Suggesitons are welcome.

    PS:- Please do start a new thread. That will be helpful for others in future.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 89
    Bruno Verrier on #32369

    1 – Add a ‘Edit’ option too (not delete only) :-
    At the moment, It is not worth it. Editing is same as recreating a field with same. It may be a nuisance for complex fields but is not an essential item on our list. We will be reconsidering it once BuddyBlog goes stable.

    >> I understand, but, if I made a mistake or forgot something I can’t reorder fields in form. And I have to delete all and start over. So the Edit function could be a time saver?

    2. – Add an option to display or not fields labels:-
    Please share an example. If no hint is provided, how will it be useful?

    >> Ususally labels are relevant, but other 2 ways I see things here:
    >> 1 – Sometimes fields are self explanatory and labels overcharge the form and for the user it can be off-putting.
    >> 2 – If there are messages with explanations to help the user, the label may be hidden.

    3. – As mentionned before add optional text area to display help messages for users
    Sure. I will be adding it in next update.

    >> Great

    4. – Add possibility to indicate how many images/files users can upload
    We don’t have bulk image option. The file upload handles single uploads. So, each field you add handles only 1 media.

    >> Ok!

    5. – Add possibility to attach a css file to each form. (If I create more than on CPT, I would like to customize their lok and feel upon their objectives/goals.)

    >> Awesome!

    Technically You can use the normal WordPress template tag to access theme. I have been working on provide a way for modifying the template using shortcodes for these. Please wait fro Monday’s update. I may have a better way to handle it out of the box.

    To be honest, showing the custom field data and taxonomies information in the template is the only real challenge I am facing with BuddyBlog. We do not want to force admins to modify template and I am not seeing a simple way to handle it.
    Suggesitons are welcome.

    >> I don’t really understand : “We do not want to force admins to modify template”. Could you be more specific to feed my thinking.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #32374

    Hi Bruno,
    Thank you for starting a new thread.

    1. You can reorder the fields by just dragging and dropping them. The fields list is sortable.

    2. Not very convincing use case and I believe using css for hiding label will be better as it is very unlikely that people will use it. If I get more topic on the sa,e then sure.

    About the template tags:- WordPress provides template tags for listing taxonomies. Our goal is that if someone is using BuddyBlog Pro, they can override the template as they want but they should not feel it as a limiting factor.

    We plan to provide some shortcodes, where you can specify the taxonomy and how the list should be rendered and it will be rendered with the post.


  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 89
    Bruno Verrier on #32383

    Dear Brajesh,

    1. You can reorder the fields by just dragging and dropping them. The fields list is sortable.
    >> Awesome hadn’t seen it before.

    2. Not very convincing use case and I believe using css for hiding label will be better as it is very unlikely that people will use it. If I get more topic on the sa,e then sure.
    >> YES! You’re convinced me. Forget it.

    We plan to provide some shortcodes, where you can specify the taxonomy and how the list should be rendered and it will be rendered with the post.
    >> Ok :))

    I have filled in the additional content areas in the form (options keys) but they are not taken into account on display and there is an error message instead.
    I set up “Allow users to create term” to yes and nothing is displayed, but the default tag.

    Thank you again

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #32446

    Hi Bruno,
    Thank you.

    The current plugin I provided you has limited features and some may not work. Please allow me to push another release in next 2-3 working days. That rould have almost all features stable.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 89
    Bruno Verrier on #32456

    Ok, Brajesh
    Thank you

  • Participant
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    Bruno Verrier on #33063

    Hello Brajesh
    Any news?

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
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    Bruno Verrier on #33140

    Is there anybody ?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #33143

    Hi Bruno,
    I am sorry, I do not have the update ready.

    This is in the queue as 2nd priority for release. Please allow me a bit more time on this. We will release it in next 10 working days(another 2-3 days before I can restart work on it).


  • Participant
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    Clayton Gonzalez on #33146

    I have looked everywhere and can not find the zip for this? Are others able to try the beta version of pro? If so how do I go about getting the download. I have buddyblog already but I deactivated it. 2 reasons I am hoping maybe I can get cleared up here.

    I see in the tags here that custom post type will be supported. So PODS created custom post types I could assign to buddyblog users, and hopefully you will add the ability for different member types to be able to have their own archives page.. I would like the ability to have organizations blog post go to a specific taxonomy and normal members out of the box hopefully or maybe a widget that will allow you to do that. (I think I can figure that out on my own, if its not something that will be out of the box)

    However one thing I can not figure out for the life of me is why the add feature image on buddyblog is broken.

    Buddyboss newest update
    Buddyboss pro
    infusion soft
    newest wordpress update.

    I do not know if it’s having issues with gutenburg or classic editor as I have both installed.

    Have you had any recent buddyboss platform pro users running buddyboss theme and child theme say the same thing, and if so what was the common issue they had? I looked for answers and could not find any recent post about it.

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