

Buddypress Auto-Follow from other registeration page

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    evil lizard on #43265

    Not really bro, it doesnt solve the issue, … i said my users are already registered & are logged in buddypress users …this is because i discovered if they try registering through the UAP register-form, it creates & registers an entirely new account. –

    I talked about the issue here:

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    evil lizard on #43266
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    evil lizard on #43267

    i will try to make it as simple as possible, although it’s not really a complex idea.

    Is there a way i can show
    The users upline (MLM parent) – •on a buddypress tab with count


    Also show The users direct referrals ( that is the people who joined the affiliate program through the said users link ) – i don’t know what these are called …but they are not the MLM children – •on a buddypress tab with count?

    On two separate buddypress tabs with count? (Doesnt necessarily have to be the bp-follow plugins tabs)

    I simply jst want people to look at a users profile and say:

    “Oh , so this is who invited him to the affiliate program” – ( when they view his MLM parent – tab)


    “Oh , so these are the people he has invited into the affiliate program so far” – (when they view his direct referrals – tab)

    Bro do you have an idea what i mean? –

    i jst want two new buddypress tabs that shows the mlm-parent & direct referrals of a user

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    evil lizard on #43268

    I’m sorry bro 🙏, if i’m being too much of a bother …

    I already explained in the most simple way as i can.

    If you still do not understand what i’m trying to achieve ..pls let me know.

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    Ravi on #43273

    Hello Iken,

    Thank you for the explanation. As per the explanation what I am getting is you need two on User Profile one for MLM Parent with count and the second one is Direct Referrals. Am I getting correctly your points?.

    If yes, please let me know the shortcodes or functions for getting MLM direct users and direct referrals users as I am not familiar with the ultimate membership API so that I can help.


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    evil lizard on #43350

    Hello RAVIous-prime!!

    YES!! you have gotten correctly my points!
    That is all i want.

    I just want my users to see how many ppl they have invited to the program and also the person who invited them.


    But i have searched and found
    There is no option or shortcode – to list the Direct/PERSONAL referrals of an affiliate-user (that is the people who join the program through the CURRENT users Link)
    and this is a problem because:

    pls try to understand this part: “this is a problem because It only shows subaffiliates (this means: if someone whom you referred ,, goes on to refer “someone-else” …it would count as a referral for you – even tho it was NOT your PERSONAL referral-link that “someone-else” used to join the program)” – i don’t know why the plugin records it this way ..maybe i have the settings wrong (or cause i have the MLM feature turned on)

    – and i don’t really mind it showing just the subaffiliates … But my problem is: i want my buddypress users to know how many people they PERSONALLY got to join the affiliate program (i.e: people who joined through their links)


    Pls i jst want to show

    Buddypress tab-1 : List the current user’s MLM parent which is just 1 person – (i think this the hook/ID for that: uap_affiliate_mlm_parent )

    Buddypress tab- 2 : List of referrals(or affiliates) who joined the UAP affiliate program through the current user’s link

    (Basically this means a tab to show:

    1- the person who invited you to the referral program
    2- the people you have invited to the referral program


    However you choose to show the List , let it link to the respective buddypress profiles

    The hooks/ID’s and private informations i have provided below maybe of help to you

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by evil lizard.
  • Participant
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    evil lizard on #43351
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    evil lizard on #43361
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  • Keymaster
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    Brajesh Singh on #43365

    Hi Iken,
    What you are asking is beyond what we can support. We are unable to help you build multiple list(where affiliates can see who they invited/joined).

    What we can offer you is a way to let your users follow other user’s who are affiiliates. I believe Ravi provided the code for this. If not, I will be checking and providing you the same .


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    evil lizard on #43415
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