

How To Use BuddyPress Member Types Pro for Customizing Member Directory

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    Noah Schoenhienz on #24851

    Perfect, that works now! Thank you

    I also have an issue happening with the user profile after a new account is registered. If you test openhouseabilene.com , registering a new test account, then you should see that the account profile page is not displaying the correct info for the user you created (its showing the details of the admin user). the account details tab is showing the correct field data, but there is no option on either page to upload a profile image.

    I think one is Buddypress https://openhouseabilene.com/members/admin/ and https://openhouseabilene.com/my-account/edit-account/ is the actual profile page from the theme/woocommerce. If so how can I disable or merge these so the registration process is smooth and don’t have any issues with 2 profile pages? And how can I add a profile image edit option?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24344
    Brajesh Singh on #24852

    Hi Noah,
    Thank you for confirming that member type is working.

    For the profile issue:-If it is not showing the correct info, It is most probably an issue with the template(or some code marking displayed user as current user).

    You will need to decide if you want to use WooCommerce account page or BUddyPress profile page.

    Please open a new topic and let me know. I can add some custom code for the same.


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    Noah Schoenhienz on #24868

    Hi, it looks good, but I do need the admin type to be hidden from the registration page, so that it’s “Realtor” by default, and the only other option is “Homeowner”

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    Noah Schoenhienz on #24869

    I am also needing to show only the Realtor member type on the members directory page, not all members…

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    Noah Schoenhienz on #24870

    To clarify, I solved the profile Issue was asking about above. The only problem I have with the profile page now is that the member type field is showing some code on the front end… see here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wngcrq82xgfxrif/Screen%20Shot%202019-08-22%20at%209.02.54%20AM.png?dl=0

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24344
    Brajesh Singh on #24871

    Hi Noah,
    For the link issue, your theme is doing extra escaping.

    Please visit dashboard->profile Fields and edit member type field. make sure to disable “Auolink” and also uncheck the link to directory option.


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    Noah Schoenhienz on #24872

    That fixed the link issue. Remaining are the other 2 above

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24344
    Brajesh Singh on #24873

    Hi Noah,
    Thank you for confirming.

    The list filtering needs minor code change. I will update it on your server in next 3-4 hours(the files related to it are on another desktop).


  • Participant
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    Posts: 26
    Noah Schoenhienz on #24952


    Any updates on this please? I have not see a change so far.

    Thank you

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24344
    Brajesh Singh on #24980

    Hi Noha,
    Thank you for the patience.
    I have pushed the updated today. Please check.


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