

Inviting Ideas for the best ever WordPress Gallery Plugin

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24827
    Brajesh Singh on #495

    Hi All,
    Hope you all are doing well.

    I am inviting Ideas for what features make a WordPress gallery great. I have seen NGG Gallery( and it is so old generation ), Photo Gallery, Envira and a lot( almost all media/gallery plugins which have 5000+ active installs) .

    So, what do you think makes a WordPress Gallery plugin great? In our case, we have got a front end gallery management for Gallery(add/delete/upload/edit media etc) as well as a full fledged backend( minimizes the number of clicks required to edit/upload etc) Even lesser clicks are required than the default WordPress Media uploader for managing images etc.

    Too be honest, My aim is to make MediaPress the most used WordPress gallery plugin for WordPress in next 2 years. We have a solid framework and all we need is extend it sensibly. And I am happy to say our memory footprint and queries are efficient than most. I have yet to see a gallery plugin that outperforms us on efficiency.

    I need your suggestions for Gallery features, views, editing experience or anything you like. What do you think will make a gallery plugin greatest not just great.

    Specific questions:-
    1. How important is a media Gallery for a WordPress site
    2. what features of another plugin you have liked?
    3. What should be the must have options( re sizing on the fly, multiple views )
    4. Should galleries have their own existence or should they always be part of a post etc?
    5. How important is independent gallery?
    6. Is album( collection of gallery necessary, you can achieve the same by inserting multiple gallery in a page/post)
    7. How much you value your time while working on a site? Is editing experience really important to you.

    Add your own questions please.

    PS: If any of you are interested in a benchmark, Please create a new topic with the plugin name you want to compare and I will post a detailed report at the start of next week.

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    Venutius on #640

    A feature I have looked for and not found, is a common area where all users can post and comment on pics. I have tried to recreate this by getting them all to join a photo’s group but this requires them to join the group and I find many do not.

    In addition, there should be ways to have featured images/videos, and a shortcode/widget where recently uploaded photos are displayed in slider format.

    To be clear, what I would like is for my homepage to have a listing of featured images and videos with thumbnail view. I would also like a slider showing all recently added images (not just from a particular gallery).

    I would like a photo’s page where the user immediate;y see’s all of the shared photo’s in thumbnail form and can chose to comment on any of them, without having to select a particular gallery. Same for Videos.

    Also, I would like the ability to promote a particular photo or video by sending out an email to all registered users with configurable text telling them to check out this or that photo or video.

    In addition users should be able to like or otherwise rate an image or video.

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    Venutius on #641

    A migration path from existing BP Gallery installations would also be really ideal

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24827
    Brajesh Singh on #646

    Hi George,
    Thank you. Those are some great ideas and most of theme I have covered in upcoming release.

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    Milo on #695

    Plugins that people always upload AFTER they have installed their Gallery plugin is probably a good place to start. Plugins that I have used in the past AFTER I have installed my Gallery Plugin include…

    1) A Click Counter for the image/video/gallery
    2) Related Images/Videos/galleries
    3) Thumbnail resize
    4) Ability to display: Most Popular, Newest, Most commented on, etc.
    5) A Rating (stars) plugin

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24827
    Brajesh Singh on #727

    Hi Milo,
    Thank you for sharing the ideas.

    1. We have got the click counter as addon( releasing next week, free )
    2. Related Images/Videos( Not sure how do we do it unless we are allowing tags, which will be in phase -2)
    3. My priority too. I am interested in proviing the resize functionality. if possible, please open a topic and let us discuss how should it work( on the fly, specifying sizes etc)

    4. Already there. Documents coming soon.

    5. Sure thing. Coming soon as addon.

  • Participant
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    Venutius on #778

    Will there be a migration path from BP Gallery to Mediapress? My install is more than a year old and many users have uploaded pics to BP Gallery, if I was to move to Mediapress they would lose all those?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24827
    Brajesh Singh on #780

    Hi George,
    There is a plan to provide migration for BP Gallery. we haven’t yest released anything related to that as the MediaPress API is not 100% stable. Last week, we changed some internal architecture to handle the data storage and there is a chance that we might have to do some more in next 2 weeks.

    I am just waiting to make sure that MediaPress APis are stable and then the first migration plugin will be for Bp Gallery. Your media/gallery/activity all will be safe and I can assure that there will be an easy migration route for the same..

  • Participant
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    Venutius on #781

    That’s great Brajesh, I’m really pleased to hear that.

  • Participant
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    Venutius on #841

    Another suggestion I have is that users who have their own gallery should be able to add images to it and post them into posts as they are editing the post. The same feature should apply to bbpress topics.

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