

[Resolved] rtMedia Activity URL Preview plugin blocked by Community Builder theme?

  • Participant
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    Janet B on #35441

    The folks at rtMedia have also had a look at this issue. They tell me that the URL passed to them is empty they never get to the point in the code where the nature of the whats-new div matters.

    Do you have estimate from your end as to when you think this might be addressed?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #35445

    Hi Janet,
    I don’t have access to their URL Preview addon. I have checked it with their free plugin and most of the issue are related to css(buttons being hidden etc).

    I will need couple of days to add support for this(I am targeting Monday, next week or early).

    Can you please ask them what kind of change do they need from us and how do we pass them the activity content/url?


  • Participant
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    Janet B on #35462

    I can supply you with the zip of the add-on. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if it helps make the product more broadly compatible and/or get me off their back 😉 I’ve had issues of different types with three different themes…

    The reason I persist is that the they have the only plugin that works like FB. You paste the URL, press enter, and the preview pops up. It is truly the most elegant and that is essential to our application.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #35464

    Hi Janet,
    Thank you.

    This feature is coming as part of CB 3.0 as well as our other upcoming themes too. Please do share me a copy and I will make sure it works with Community Builder pro for now.


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    Janet B on #35474
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  • Participant
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    Janet B on #35477

    Do we have any update on this?

  • Participant
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    Janet B on #35478
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  • Participant
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    Janet B on #35497

    I received this info from rtMedia:

    The plugin is currently not working with Community Builder theme because the theme is changing the whole HTML structure of the activity text area in which you post your activity. Also, while posting any activity the theme is removing the hidden input fields which are necessary to generate the preview in saved post.

    Below are some fields which are removed from the form post details –
    – rtmp-url-scrapper-img-embed-data-hidden
    – rtmp-url-scrapper-img-hidden
    – rtmp-url-scrapper-title-hidden
    – rtmp-url-scrapper-url-hidden
    – rtmp-url-scrapper-description-hidden
    – rtmp-url-no-scrapper

    Such structural changes are not handled by default if it’s a 3rd party theme or plugin and is out of the scope of our support policy. So further you may need to contact the theme author, please.

    We apologize for the inconvenience you faced.

    Pooja Muchandikar | QA Engineer
    rtCamp Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | https://rtcamp.com/

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    Janet B on #35499

    I explained that the fields in question where their fields and not standard to BuddyPress, as well as being spelled incorrectly. Are these “scrapper” or “scaper” fields.

    Nonetheless, I received this further reply, which leaves me thinking the Community Builder theme is simply not going to work.



    We tried to check if we can provide you with some custom code but unfortunately, we can’t provide custom code since it’s a js change and first we need to thoroughly check the issue with theme and would require some time as it is a 3rd party theme.

    We will give a minor release for our plugin in next week which may partially resolve your issue, but the rest of the things needs to be fixed by theme developers. ( After the release we will try at our end to provide custom code for the rest of the things but won’t assure as we don’t know how depth we might need to check the theme for the fix )

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #35509

    Hi Janet,
    Thank you for the access to the code and their replies.

    I will be looking at their code and I am hopeful that we can make it work together. Please allow me to get back to you on Monday.


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