

[Resolved] rtMedia Activity URL Preview plugin blocked by Community Builder theme?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #37811

    Hi Janet,
    Thank you for the patience.

    I have tested the theme with WordPress 5.7, BuddyPress 7.3.0, RT media 4.6.6 and the
    rtMedia Activity URL Preview 2.3.0 and the url preview in activity stream(sitewide, group’s and user’s) are working as expected.

    If you are using BuddyPress 7.x, you can safely upgrade to 7.3, there are minor changes and will have no impact on the site.

    Can you please provide me a guest account on your live site or staging site to allow me check what could be causing the issue.


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    Janet B on #37861
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  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #37873
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    Janet B on #37903

    Thanks Brajesh. Yes, there is a filter is functions.php to restrict the activity to updates only, to suppress distracting messages about people joining groups, etc.

    Removing it fixes the problem, but I’m not sure why, since posts with rtMedia in them are still “updates”.


  • Participant
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    Janet B on #37906

    This is the filter I’m using. Is there a better way to accomplish this?

    add_filter( 'bp_after_has_activities_parse_args', function ( $args ) {
            /*if ( ! bp_is_group() ) {
                    return $args;
            $args['action'] = 'activity_update';
            return $args;
    } );
  • Participant
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    Janet B on #37907


    I was able to accomplish this with a small change that allows selection of multiple activity types:

    add_filter( 'bp_after_has_activities_parse_args', function ( $args ) {
            $args['action'] =
            return $args;
    } );
  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #37909

    Hi Janet,
    Thank you.
    Adding ‘rtmedia_update to the list was important.

    I am marking this topic resolved. In future, Please open a new topic.


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