

Shortcode to show directly the gallery in a grid.

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    douglas on #1061

    Hi Brajesh,

    I’ve cleared the cache, maybe it will work soon, but for now is not working.
    My worry is that I cannot upload the pics from any devices: pc, laptop, tablet and phone and trying from 2 different browsers: chrome and opera; so I don’t know if it really depends on the caches.

    I took a screenshot of my admin page to show you what I see.
    This is the link of an online storage space where you can see the screenshot of my pc

    As you see now even the box is missing…as happened to you earlier, but as I said before I see this problems from every device I’m trying on and on every browsers.

    I couldn’t imagine would had become such a long road to solve my problem, my apologies to steal your time, but I’ve been looking for a similar plugin for months and now I’ve found it, I really want it in my platform.

    Do you have any other advices I could try on?
    I’ll try again and again to do it by myself till your next reply, but I’m starting to loose my hopes 🙁 🙁 😉

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24804
    Brajesh Singh on #1062

    Hi Douglas,
    I am sorry for all the inconveniences.

    The screenshot is exactly what I was getting yesterday.

    Please try clearing cache. I am nt sure why but it was loading the older javascript files and giving me the same screenshot.

    When I cleared cache and refreshed a few times, things started to come fine for me. Please give it a try in any browser( preferebly chrome/firefox) and let me know how it goes.

    I am sorry that you are having such a bad time with MediaPress. Hoping that it gets resolved soon.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24804
    Brajesh Singh on #1063

    And here is what I am getting on the site right now.
    As you can see everything is normal there.

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    douglas on #1067

    Hi Brajesh,
    bad news to me as usual. I’ve tried over and over from all the devices I own and from different broswers. I also asked to my friends giving them the admin keys to check what do they see in the mediapress page and no one can see the box for uploading the pics.

    It seems the plugin recognizes just his dad 😉

    I wonder how is possible…and I’m deleting cache and cookies every time and refreshing the page every 2 mins but nothing changes.

    If there is anything else I can do or that you can try to do on my website, let me know.
    It would be crazy giving up to this plugin just for such a weird issue.

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    douglas on #1068

    I’ll wait for a comment of yours and I won’t manage to solve, I’ll try to install it again from scratch

  • Participant
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    douglas on #1069

    I installed wordpress on another website I use for test…and it worked so fine in such an easy way; I can see the box for uploading the pics, I see the gallery and I see the photos on the frontend.

    So, then coming back to the website I’m referring in this thread I deleted mediapress (via ftp) and reinstalled the last version available. Well I still can’t see the box for uploading the pics. It’s so weird, and it’s even more weird cause you can see it.

    “”I used the same pc for the successful test on the other website and for the unlucky website we’re making the test these days””

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by douglas.
  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24804
    Brajesh Singh on #1075

    Hi Douglas,
    Thank you for the details and tests.

    I am also puzzled why it is happening on your end on this specific website. As your tests found, MediaPress should work.

    When I had initially upgraded MediaPress on the site, I saw the same error as you and clearing my cache and a few refreshes fixed it. It was loading older javascript files.

    I am not sure why it is not doing that for you.

    If possible, can you please check if you see any javascript error in the browser console on Admin Gallery Edit page?

  • Participant
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    douglas on #1259

    Hi Brajesh,

    I gave a check as you suggested and I’ve found out some errors there.
    You can see it in the following screenshots



    It’s exactly in the uploader file for the new post .

    As you’ve seen that website is almost empty, just buddypress and mediapress are installed, so it’s even hard something got in conflict with it.

    Is it something that need to be fixed?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24804
    Brajesh Singh on #1263

    Hi Douglas,
    You have pointed the error correctly. It was the error that I updated and fixed on your site and in the plugin. The problem is your site is still loading old javascript file.

    You can see that the function is declared here

    But the site is loading uploader.js which is cached and not the updated.

    It has nothing to do with any plugin, it is a caching but why so, I too have no answer. Please check the loaded upload.js file and you will see the the file I have pointed on github is not loaded.

    Which host you are using? Is it a shared hosting? Just trying to find some clue.

  • Participant
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    douglas on #1294

    then it’s not a problem, wanted just to be sure it was not a common problem: as you saw that website was an altervista free domain on altervista free hosting: was just a test, so I’ll install mediapress on a real website seeing that it’s working also in another website test I’ve mentioned some messages above.

    Just a last question even if I guess I know the answer.
    Having wp multisite and buddypress multisite, can I install mediapress on the subsites of my network?

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