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    Now that I have categories for the galleries, it seems I need to create an archive page for those categories. What would be the naming convention for that page in WordPress… such as reviews-archive or mpp-gallery-category-archive… and would I put the file in my child theme folder or in the MediaPress folder?

    Thank you,

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    Hello Ravi,

    I’ve installed and am now using the the new plugin. It seems to be working as intended as a drop-down select menu for choosing a category to assign to a gallery, but it does not work on the sitewide gallery at all as far as I can tell. Choosing a category does nothing at all. It is quite possible though that this is due to user error.


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    Hello Michael,

    If you were addressing me, I will have more time tomorrow and can go over the code again. I believe though that once I installed and activated the plugin, all I had to do was add categories to the gallery and they showed up on the page.


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    Becky Robertson on in reply to: MediaPress Management Links #23086

    Thank you for the reply Brajesh.

    If it isn’t possible at the moment I will likely survive the situation without much trouble, but perhaps it is something to consider at some point in the future of either MediaPress or as an addition to Profile Tabs as I believe it would be of interest to others to have the option of moving these tabs as well. Of course that is a decision for you and your team.

    For the time being though, I appreciate your thinking about it and getting back to me.


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    Becky Robertson on in reply to: MediaPress Management Links #23049
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    Becky Robertson on in reply to: MediaPress Management Links #22949

    This needs to be moved, I don’t know how it ended up under Themes.

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    Becky Robertson on in reply to: Adding A Featured Image to Galleries #22931


    Cover image would work as the Edit Gallery allows you to edit or delete the current cover image, so changing it to a featured image would probably cause me all kinds of PHP headaches.

    I want to be able to add the cover image, or the first image to the gallery, through the gallery creation form.

    This would be similar to adding a featured image when you create a new post. My thinking on galleries having actual featured images is that when you delete the cover image, it removes it from the gallery too, which can be a bit confusing for the end user. By using a featured image, deleting it wouldn’t effect any of the images in the gallery.

    Again though, this is a rather small thing that’s generally easy enough to deal with so actually converting cover image to featured image isn’t necessary, just the ability to upload a cover image during gallery creation.

    Thank you,

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    Thank you Brajesh. Despite all my issues with PHP and seemingly endless requests for help, the gallery is actually starting to look really good.

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    I understand that the code will need to be modified, but how? I’ve been all over trying to figure out how to modify checkboxes into a dropdown, but I’ve been completely unsuccessful. I’m just not that strong with the code.

    I’ve even tried to create a custom form to add new galleries, which almost works. I can add them to the backend but they only show up on the “universal” community gallery rather than the member’s personal galleries listing.

    I only want them to be able to select one category for each gallery and with over a dozen categories select boxes just don’t work. I need help.