


  • Participant
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    Maurice on #52234

    i have created the code as a snippet … unfortunately no counter is displayed in the groups in the gallery menu item

  • Participant
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    Maurice on #52227

    the Template Pack is Buddypress Nouveau.

  • Participant
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    Maurice on #52161

    thank you … very good 😉 … i love your plugin …

  • Participant
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    Maurice on #52136

    But BP Classic destroys existing group structures if you install it later … (The page would then no longer work)
    Is there perhaps a way to display the counter after all?

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    Maurice on #49173

    Yes, only 1.) its 500 pictures … the same effect occurs with smaller galleries.
    had the problem on different servers. the extremely slow deletion of galleries seems to be a general problem.

  • Participant
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    Maurice on #46312

    great! it works fine ;))

  • Participant
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    Maurice on #46268

    yes of course! i think is a important infocounter for group users

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    Maurice on #45454

    yes! its perfect! thx ;))

  • Participant
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    Maurice on #45440

    thx. your code works wonderfully 😉

    but the placeholder image is always displayed as the gallery image in the activity…
    can you also insert the path to the gallery image in the code?

    I know the gallery image is not available at the beginning.
    can’t you add a query that only when available the
    real cover image is inserted …?

    thx, maurice…

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Maurice.
  • Participant
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    Maurice on #44992

    where will i be notified?

    I have created a gallery and then 20 images as drag & drop uploaded.

    where can I then give the release for the activity ?
