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    calu on in reply to: BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro – how to link tabs? #17314

    Hi Brajesh, I understand your explanation now, I can see the difference between having a shortcode to add content and linking to another page, in this case the members directory.

    ‘If you do not want to link to directory and want to show the members list inside the profile tab’
    Yes that is what I had hoped for.

    ‘(I do not think it is a good idea as Buddypress already provides the directory)’

    This I don’t understand in relation to my design wish?

    Maybe it is because I do not understand the difference between BP components and BP pages, why is Members a page, not a component?


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    calu on in reply to: BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro – how to link tabs? #17309

    Note, I wrote my last post, before I had read your second answer, thanks, i’ll look at it tomorrow

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    calu on in reply to: BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro – how to link tabs? #17308

    Hi Brajesh, thanks for your prompt reply.

    I is a bit complex to me, but it is late, and I will look at your explanation again tomorrow.

    Just to rule out misunderstandings, what I want is this, the users own profile to be displayed at all time, no matter what tab you activate.


    When I talk about Search, it is not the BP standard search component, but the BP Profile Search plugin, which I created a tab for earlier with the shortcode.

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    calu on in reply to: BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro – how to link tabs? #17306

    ‘Activating search tab LEAVES the member profile information, tabs, profile image and cover image’

    *in BP user profile tabs. When clicking Search in Header menu, the profile information disappears as well

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    calu on in reply to: BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro – how to link tabs? #17302

    Hi Brajesh, I have found som design irregularities with the new created tabs. You have been most helpful with this plugin, so take your time, it is not an urgent issue.

    This is the members own profile, My Profile

    Activating Members tab REMOVES the member profile information, tabs, profile image and cover image

    Activating search tab LEAVES the member profile information, tabs, profile image and cover image

    When entering a members profile the new tabs Members and Search are displayed, next to Profile and Gallery. this seems a bit weird.

    Again clicking Members tab removes the visited members profile information

    Hitting the Search tab, does not

    Optimally the members own Profile, should stay on top all the time, with all tabs visible, like it does when clicking Profile, Notifications
    Messages, Gallery and Settings, Obviously all the BP Components. But then again, also Search and Gallery, but not Members?

    And the added tabs should not display when visiting a members profile.


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    calu on in reply to: BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro – how to link tabs? #17299
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    calu on in reply to: BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro – how to link tabs? #17298

    It is working now, thank you. One question regarding custom links vs. Pages

    ‘You can disable the code and simply create a tab and in the first sub tab add that shortcode. That will do it.’

    I deleted the code from my functions.php.
    Now the search tab in the WP menu, is a Page reference, before it was a was a Custom Link.

    All menu items are automated Custom links, except Home, Search and Members, which are page references

    Why was Search a Custom Link before, and now a Page, what’s the difference, and what’s best?


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    calu on in reply to: BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro – how to link tabs? #17293

    Hi Brajesh, thanks for your answers

    1. Adding Members
    It is working now!

    2. Adding Search

    ‘simply create a tab and in the first sub tab add that shortcode.’ I can’t find subnav but not a sub tab with a field to enter the short code?

    I prefer to add the shortcode solution, but alternatively I assume I can link the search page in the Tab link as I did with the Members page?

    Slugs are created from the Tab title, should I just leave them like that?


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    Hi Brajesh, thank you for clarifying the functionality and possibilities with this plugin.

    ‘There is one restriction, if you are removing the default landing page of a profile, you will need to set another tab as landing(It applies in code too). Also, you can not change “slug” of the existing tab/subtab.’

    I am not sure I understand this, could you please explain this in another way?

    ‘You can not change the color/background as that needs css and we did not think that as a major feature. I can provide css that you can add in your customize settings(Additional Styles) to change the color if needed.’

    okay, thanks, I can do some CSS myself, though it sometime can be difficult to find the right selector, and sometimes selectors working in the inspector, does not work in your CSS sheet.

    My purpose of customizing the tabs is to make them look less BuddyPress, matching my other menu tabs.


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    calu on in reply to: To/From Values custom field issue #17256

    That make sense, my argument for implementing cards was to make the site leaner, with less extensions, and less conflicts.

    Thanks a lot for doing this work for me, looking at the cards, despite it’s not in your own favor.
