Hi BuddyDev,
I got the refunded. Thanks btw. It’s not about the money, it’s about the feature!
I really wanted to have the register on any pages. Anyone would, if it required BP registration. If there’s any fix or updaters to get it going, please put me on the “wish list”. I would definitely buy it once more!!!
Thanks for everything.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by
Jimmy Cheung. Reason: input extra
- This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by
Hi Brajesh,
My theme already have modal popup, etc. The most of all there is no shortcode that I can use on any pages.
I already purchased 4-5 plugins from here, all are fine. This plugin sounds nice, the descriptions sounds so great. but it’s usedless overall. I’m really unhappy for this plugin.
I found other post mentioned there’s no shortcode, if I saw that, I wouldn’t even buy this plugin whatsoever!
I would like to requested for a refund please!
Hi Bev,
Ok, it showing the tab for some reason. Is there’s a correct shortcode I can use? Seems like mine didn’t work after all.
I am using this shortcode [bp-visitors-recent-visitors user=sbrajesh max=30 duration=30]
Please help on shortcode.
Jimmy- This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by
Jimmy Cheung. Reason: input shortcode
- This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by
Hi Brajesh,
Your plugins and support are awesome btw!!
I now understood this plugin. I’m working on a social site, all internal.
I needed a good contact-us plugin. Contact-form 7 is too large, and others kinda so so…
Thank you for your support as always.
Have a wonderful day.
JimmyHi Brajesh,
1 – Ok, if there’s no shortcode, can you tell me which page that function call AND perhaps, starts what line to last line of the function call? The reason I’m asking, I’m using a plugin, whenever I paste the code, etc in, it will create a shortcode for it.
2 – I am using SweetDate (sweet date) theme btw.
Please help help,