


  • Participant
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    Christian22 on #45449

    That’s great.
    it’s working fine so far.

  • Participant
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    Christian22 on #45447

    Hello Ravi,
    Thank you for the feedback
    the theme: https://themeforest.net/item/rehub-directory-multi-vendor-shop-coupon-affiliate-theme/7646339)
    Buddypress version 10.3.0

  • Participant
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    Christian22 on #44643

    You are right.
    Thanks again.

  • Participant
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    Christian22 on #44638

    Hello Ravi,
    Thanks for the feedback, it’s appreciated.
    I already note this track. Currently I use Gtranslate which is different from Loco.
    Wouldn’t there be another way (code) to change the Name of this tab (Friends) and all the notifications that intergregate this tab?
    I may be asking too sorry.

  • Participant
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    Christian22 on #42090

    Hello Brajesh,
    Supper we were able to have the result we wanted. thank you for your valuable feedback. Just to finish with this ticket how to put the word / or word string (“Title:”) in the code below in bold, underline or in color?thank you very much.

     * Add extra fields data on member directory page.
    function buddydev_render_extra_fields_data() {
    	if ( ! bp_is_active( 'xprofile' ) ) {
    	$member_id = bp_get_member_user_id();
    	// Replace by your fields.
    	$city_field_id = 11;
    	$city = xprofile_get_field_data( $city_field_id, $member_id, 'comma' );
    	$city = $city ? __( 'Title:' ) . $city : '';
    	echo esc_html($city);
    	echo "<br>";// add new line.
    add_action( 'bp_directory_members_item', 'buddydev_render_extra_fields_data' );
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Christian22.
  • Participant
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    Christian22 on #42052
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  • Participant
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    Christian22 on #42050
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  • Participant
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    Christian22 on #42039

    Hello Brajesh
    You must be pushed around I imagine. But please I’m still waiting for the tutorial for the rest of my concerns. Need tracks to move forward.

    “2/3/4:- Please allow me to post a tutorial in next couple of days. I believe there are many people looking for it.”


  • Participant
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    Christian22 on #41966

    Hello Brajesh
    Please keep us informed as soon as the tutorial is available.
    We are still waiting.
    Really excellent support.

  • Participant
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    Christian22 on #41951
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