


  • Participant
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    Mike Witt on #52625

    Wow, I can’t believe it’s been that long since I put up a site notice. But it appears that you are correct.

    Once again, thank you Brajesh!

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    Mike Witt on #50479

    Your system displays notifications if a very different format than mine:


    These two notifications came in at the same time. The mentions notification correctly says “29 seconds” but the forum reply notification is offset by the time relative to UTC “6 hours.”

    I suspect that you are seeing the same thing I am, but your system just says “some time ago” rather than saying 5 hours. I don’t know why the format difference. I *think* I’m using the standard BP formatting (unless the theme changes it). I’m running the newest BP 11.3.1.

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    Mike Witt on #50477

    Well, your notification says “some time ago.” If you just did it shouldn’t it say “just now” or something like that. My systems all say something like 20 minutes ago or 4 hours ago, but it appears that you are not configured to tell exactly how long it was?

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    Mike Witt on #50469

    Do you need any more info from me? Just want to make sure I gave you enough to try to reproduce it.

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    Mike Witt on #50417

    I’d rather wait and see if you can try it, to make sure that it’s not something specific to my sites. Also I don’t know if it should be reported against bbPress or BuddyPress. It seems like the problem only happens when BP provides a notification for the bbP post. The forum times on bbP itself seem good (as far as I can tell). So I don’t know how to tell which plugin is in error.

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    Mike Witt on #48818

    Thanks Brajesh, that’s perfect. I see it there. I can just loop through and unserialize to look for the values I need. Thanks so much!

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    Mike Witt on #46821

    Thanks Brajesh, that’s great. I see it there in usermeta. That’s exactly what I was looking for. -Mike

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    Mike Witt on #46625

    I appreciate your advice on this. It took me a while to try it.

    I have deleted basically all the content from buddypress/activity/post-form.php (in my child override directory). Now the file just looks like:

     * BuddyPress - Activity Post Form
     * @package BuddyPress
     * @subpackage bp-legacy
     * @version 3.0.0

    This *appears* to work. Does that look right? I do need the closing ?> at the end, right?


  • Participant
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    Mike Witt on #46622

    The code appears to work on my test site. I updated the bbP ticket:

  • Participant
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    Mike Witt on #46585

    Thanks Brajesh. I wasn’t sure if it was BP or bbP. Do you know if there’s a bbP track bug for it? I’ll also ask on the bbP forum. I’ll let you know if I manage to try the fix.
