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    anon.imus on #23951

    Hi brajesh,

    You are spot on, The code works indeed. It seems i didn’t copy it entirely, That’s what broke the site but all is well now. Thank you very much.


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    anon.imus on #23876

    Hi brajesh,

    The code showed an ‘x’ error on these lines.

    return bp_core_get_user_domain( $user->ID ) . bp_get_activity_slug() . '/following/';

    As the result, The site broke, Any idea what might be wrong here?


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    anon.imus on #23875

    Hi brajesh,

    Thanks for the reply, The issue was caused by me not adding any number on the option to specify number of media to show on activity stream. I thought if i add no number, It would show unlimited, Because you see, I use the boss theme and it has a feature for infinite scrolling so i didn’t want to specify a number and then have the user un able to see any more media because they have exhausted the limit i have set. Any idea what would be a perfect number for a feature like infinite scroll?


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    anon.imus on #17824

    hi brajesh,


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    anon.imus on #17735
    This reply has been marked as private.
  • Participant
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    anon.imus on #14902

    Hi brajesh,

    thank you for your response, my site has been https from the start. i have no idea what you mean by mixed content i’m new to wordpress. i have narrowed it down to a cloud storage plugin i’m using called wp stateless, when i deactivate the plugin everything works fine. is there a cloud storage for wordpress media that your plugin is compatible with?

    kind regards